Thread: Stuck together
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Palmoun is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 02:41 AM

Ben was glad when Jane started to follow him out of the plane. It wasn't right to stay there, it would be too shocking for someone who wasn't use to seeing death. Even once they got outside it wasn't okay, death still surrounded them. So he started to lead her down the way, towards a thick patch of trees. Once there, it seemed that this was untouched by the death of the crash and he turned to her. Gently taking her by her shoulder, he made her sit down with her back against the tree.

"are you okay, jane? does anything hurt? can you move everything?" he asked as he started to check her over with his good hand and eye. After careful looking he couldn't find anything but knew things were never that simple. She could have something internal bleeding or a fracture or one of her organs could of ruptured. He hoped none of those had happened, no matter how much he disliked her. If he ended up being the only one out here in the middle of no where he wasn't sure if he could make it on his own. Just the thought of being completely alone and the possibility of never being found scared him.

After a bit, he sat down new to her and ran a hand threw his hair. Slowly he felt himself starting to realize just how bad this was. Panic started to set in and he knew he couldn't let himself panic. If he did it would be bad. So he forced himself to dig his nails into his leg, focusing on the pain for a bit before he turned to her, "did you see anyone else alive?" was the only question he found come to mind as he tried to search for anything else to ask her.