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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-30-2014, 12:53 AM

Hearing his explanation that he didn't exactly have questions of the art, Dorian rose an eyebrow in his direction curiously. If he had no questions, then he was unsure of why the topic was brought up. What he said was certainly true-- art in the Underworld was rather different in itself than anything above-ground. This didn't explain why he had chosen the topic, however. A curious gleam in his golden gaze, one of Dorian's glove-clad finger tapped his temple contemplatively. Akio was kind and curious, talkative when he did not need to be. Why he chose to speak up so conversationally towards him, Dorian had no clue.

The other should be feeling disgusted into silence, not conversational. Then again, things had certainly shifted in that unprecedented manner. Dorian, sighing, sat up a bit higher again, straightening his shoulders as he carefully handed his empty plate to the servant that had delivered Akio's meal. "Some pieces are from above-ground, though most are below. Art is certainly quite... different, here. In tastes and mediums." He commented thoughtfully, then crossing his legs beneath the table as he finished off his glass of wine so that he may set it down.

As Akio sighed, Dorian nodded slowly in approval of his reply. It was true, all demons had their own agendas by which they acted. While Dorian may not care to physically harm Akio, his superiors may find it distasteful that he had yet to do so. Would that become a problem? Studying the other man, he found he held a question similar to the next one he received within his mind already. Typically, if it were requested or required of him to hurt another physically, he would do so. Dorian found it tasteless, for he far preferred to keep his own hands clean when it came to dealing out punishment, but... Why was he holding this question, even within himself? He put the blame on that little warmth he had felt kinder itself the previous night.

It was a surprise to hear come from Akio, as well. He was inquisitive, yes, but he had never been so about his own well-being. Rather, this question seemed pointed at Dorian's reaction to the thought of him coming into harm. Curling the hand he had laid on the table into a fist, his eyes became a tad cold as they swerved to look over it. Knuckles shifting under his own gaze, Dorian tensed where he sat. His lord, Count Pouncell, had taken to beating others in court in the past. Yes, when a prisoner of war was caught, they were traditionally brought to court. Regardless of caretaker, he was typically the man that gave them a 'taste of demonic strength.' He felt his throat dry. Facial features further darkening, his voice came out lower as his gaze altogether avoided Akio. "A prisoner of war should expect... something of a beating in demon court."

In the past, Dorian would watch such spectacles with little thought, no feeling... Was this what disturbed him now, feeling? "I will... attempt to lessen the extent, if they will have it." He then added, in a softer tone, the coldness washing from his gaze though the darkness cast there was still present. Sighing and unclenching his fist to rise to his face, rubbing it, his composure melted and he let out a soft laugh. It was a warm noise, genuine, and it did much to soften his features as he lowered his hand again to look over at Akio. The laugh had been spurred by his insistent questions, though the tone of them was dark. He surely was a silly thing, curious and asking away. Dorian would be doing the same.

Shaking his head a little as he cleared his throat, Dorian's gaze moved back to Akio's, a thread of warmth now even present in them as he sent over a grin. "I will entertain your questions, prince. I find them... provoking." He stated, almost complimentary as he then tilted his head slightly in consideration. "As for how far this, leash of politics extends... Well, do understand my kind is bound by a hierarchical structure, in court life, much as you with royalty. Though, rules typically do not extend far. In war time, as now, is one of few times we are bound to our superiors. I could not have touched a royal of Eternia without consent, as it's a matter deeply tied to our politics." He explained casually enough, thoughtful as he considered his own sway.

"I have a reach far enough that I almost always govern my own actions, aside from court obligations. The matter of acquiring you was no obligation, but the court tomorrow is. There is something of a balance. Outside of war times, I experience a freedom unheard of, if only due to favors I have collected in the past." Dorian spoke of himself casually enough, not fully-invested in the topic, though not against answering Akio's questions. "If I directly stepped outside of my reach, however, the darkest of torments would surely be my fate." He added, well-aware of the vague nature of that statement, but not caring to elaborate on it specifically. Torment was something his soul had gotten through enough of.