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bluerockman is online now
Old 08-26-2016, 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by IcetheArtist View Post
Well you're always welcome here! ^^
Tell us a little about yourself
What makes you a misfit? if you don't mind me asking

---------- Post added 08-26-2016 at 10:02 AM ----------

the Cheshire Pisces:
Hello there!
And Welcome!
I've seen you in other forums around here and iLove
your name and signature
I'm actually a Cheshire Pisces myself
the name Ice comes from Alice (my name)
and my birthday is Pi day! :D
March 14, 1994
So yay!!!
What makes me a misfit? Well, I was never popular with well... anybody. I only ever found solace in two place: games and animals. You know, because animals won't betray you unless they were hungry or scared or something like that. Basically, treat them right, and more often than not, they become loyal companions. As for the games, well... it's an escape from reality for me.

Also doesn't help that IRL, I'm really introverted. I'm extremely unlikely to start a conversation, though if it catches my interest, I might try to join in. With mixed success...

And finally, my quest for love has been nothing short of a spectacular failure... with me glaring at the Universe in trying to figure out if it's been actively ensuring these failures.

There's a few other aspects about me... but those are for another time.