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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-16-2007, 09:47 PM

If I sit here and wait, then what shall happen? I'm not sure, other then the fact that life will be passing me by. I wonder if I sit and wait here on the road of life, if someone will walk by and help me up. Or at least maybe, ask me what I'm thinking and doing. Frankly I'm not even sure anymore.

But I'm sitting here, waiting for something, for someone.

I'm not sure anymore. I've been waiting for awhile, but this is the first time I've stop to wait. I've always been walking ahead, waiting for the person to catch up to me... assuming they're behind me to begin with.

Maybe I should start running then. Running ahead. Maybe the person, the thing, I'm waiting for it up ahead and I just haven't to caught up to them yet?

To Stop and Wait
or to Run ahead

decisions, decisions. Why can't life be simple? Why do I have to wait? Should I wait? I don't know anymore.

Life is far too complicated. I supposed I'll have to decide soon... before I end up waiting too long and the person ahead me disappears... or if I go too fast and they never catch up to me.