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nimh is offline
Old 06-28-2011, 01:08 AM

Rue smiled as she watched Robert exit the coffe shop and walk over to where she was perched in the tree. It gave her another chance to observe him. He walked with a proud strut, confidence was always a good thing to have. Standing under the branch Robert asked, "What are you doing up there?" Giggling Rue swung her feet over the edge of the branch so that they dangled in the air. Looking up into the tall branches of the old oak Rue held out her arms and said, "Enjoying nature, Observing people, Gaining inspiration." Pointing her foot in his direction Rue asked Robert, "Haven't you ever just sat somewhere and watched the crowds? I find it to be a very interesting experiance. You see all kinds of different people with all kinds of different mannerisims. I just shows you how diverse humanity can be. Quite fun, at least for me." Tossing her bag to the ground, Rue leapt off the bough of the old oak and landed on her back in the grass. Well so much for grace and good balance . . . Laughing Rue rolled over onto her stomach and looked up at Robert. Propping her head on her hands, Rue cocked her head to the side and asked, "You have any ideas on what you would like to do?"