Thread: Open Temple of B'alam
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Mongoose is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 04:37 AM

Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions pertaining to the b'alam!

Q: Who are the b'alam?
A: The jaguar, dweller in the forest and lord of the wild. They protect the people from the dangers of the jungle and are their friends. With the development of strength, speed, and endurance in the game of pitz they can claim the elder/god status by becoming a champion.

Q: Who are they in Mayan Folklore?
A: The b'alams are a group of four entities who are the progenitors of humankind, in Quiche tradition. They were originally Godlike in form and power, created by Gucumatz, Huracan, and Tepeu from stalks of maize to govern the four quadrants of the earth. Granted the ability to see all things, no matter how well hidden, they drew upon themselves the jealousy of other divinities, who clouded their sight and reduced them to human level. They were : B'alam Agab (Night Jaguar), B'alam Quitze (Smiling Jaguar), Iqi B'alam (Dark Jaguar), and Mahucatah (Not Right Now).
Source: Mayan Pantheon

Q: How do you pronounce b'alam?
A: I have no idea how the Mayans officially pronounced it but until I find out, just pronounce how it sounds "Ba-Lamb". >.<;

Q: What is pitz?
A: It's a game the ancient Mayans played, similar to basketball. The ball is made by covering a skull with strips of rubber from the rubber tree and is very hard. The object of the game is to pass the ball through a stone hoop placed high in the court. More details explained in the game post.

Q: How does a b'alam become an elder?
A: They must collect enough points while playing pitz as an adult. Also it can be done if they roleplay a ton, show leadership and kindness towards others, and other ways. If we feel your b'alam deserves to be an elder you will get a PM from the shop. You can decide if you want your pet colored into the elder stage or not.

Q: How does a b'alam elder become a god?
A: Only the most powerful elders can achieve god status and reclaim their place as a Jaguar god. According to legend, the first jaguar gods were turned into humans after they abused their power. With outstanding scores in pitz, awesome roleplay, and a strong presence around the thread/guild can make the gods (shopkeepers) view your b'alam elder worthy of this gift. Gods receive access to the god subforum in the guild, get customized jewerly, and more!

Q: What are Yaxun?
A: They are b'alam that have birdlike wings! More about them in the "B'alam" post.

Q: How long will it take for me to attract a cub with my idol?
A: If you post in the shop or guild by role playing and/or chatting then your chances of the cub arriving will be faster (3 days - 1 week). When this event occurs, your post that triggered the cub's arrival will be quoted and the cub's untagged image will appear. After you have named your cub (if you hadn't already named the idol) then it will be tagged in place of the idol. If you never come by the shop and disappear forever after obtaining an idol then your cub will appear much later (1 week+)! :(

Q: When will my cub grow to an adult? I wanna play pitz!
A: If you role play and/or chat in the thread or guild then the cub will grow to an adult faster (2 weeks-3 weeks) than if you fell off the ends of the earth never to be seen again (3 weeks+).

Q: How do they breed?
After a b'alam has been an adult for 2 weeks or an owner has had them for that long, then they can find a mate. The b'alam couple can decide whether or not they wish to have children. If so, then both must climb the 100 steps up to the Temple of Ixchel and place 12,000 gold pieces on the alter of the goddess. Within 3 days-1 week (or longer) depending on the owners' activity in the thread, 2-4 idols will be given to the b'alam couple. This is done so the goddess Ixchel will know where to drop the cubs at when the couple has proven themselves worthy of being parents. They can prove themselves through RP or their owners activity. Even if the couple do not RP and their owners disappear off the ends of the earth the cubs will still come but it may be much later than if they had stuck around.

Q: 1 w4NN4 |3414M p3t n0Wz |=0r fr33!!!111one!!!eleven!!!!11
A: If you talk like that then you will never get one. We won't tolerate any leet speak here. If you ask for a free pet you won't ever get one either since that is begging and against the rules!

Q: How come ______ got one for free?
A: They may have gotten a b'alam as a gift. ;)

Q: Who drew the b'alam?
A: It was Leelakin!

-more when they are asked-