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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 02:00 AM

The rest remaining in the room all ended up piling into the rather nice van that Hyunki's dad had bought for him, something that still embarrassed him. It was bad enough his family lived in the Gangnam district. He was definitely aware of having a bit more money than his other members, but he couldn't deny the usefulness of having a van to help cart them all around.

Soon the rest of the members were back in the dorm and in various stages of getting ready. KR ended up standing in front of his closest for quite a bit before pulling out a pair of blueish teal skinny jeans, his favorite pair of boots which were covered in an assortment of straps and buckles, and he topped the outfit off with a two toned button up which was black and a complimentary dark purple, the majority being black with only the cuffs and shoulders in the purple. He quickly styled his hair, which really meant just neatening it, then went to meet the other members in the living room, most of whom had taken less time to dress.

Hyunki changed rather quickly, pulling on a pair of nicer black cargo pants and a long sleeved red shirt with a black jacket vest over it, not one to really prefer or own fancier clothes but these clothes were in better condition than most of his close. He took a bit longer to style his hair, huffing in a frustrated manner. He was definitely going to talk about growing his hair out again. Preferring it to be longer than this short style. He had such a hard time achieving the perfect spike to gel ratio and it was so much easier to throw it into a ponytail. Once he was done he too went out to the living room, hanging to a wall.

Soon everybody was ready and they headed to the restaurant to meet Seong-jae at the restaurant, all in varying states of excitement.