Thread: S7Nera
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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 06-17-2014, 06:28 PM

Ice chipped away at his face. It was absolutely amazing how quickly it was happening. Ice kissed his nose to his lips and dotted his lashes and brows. He probably looked rather silly, but that didn't bother Davis Harvey. If anything, it made him fume, temporarily melting the cold away from his features.

Hellbent on arriving at the destined location, he hastened his pace. With each passing second, though, his body grew limber and numb. The blonde would surely succumb to hypothermia if he didn't warm up soon. To combat the cold, he wrapped his arms across his torso; rubbing his arms, he fought off the cold. It was useless though. Not even the thick, wool coat could keep the blasts of arctic air at bay. The wind bore into him and ripped his heat away with a roughness like sandpaper. As more ice pelted him, his skin became red and was soon on the very of blistering and oozing. God what he would give to be in Miami right now. The idea of bikinis and topless babes seemed to warm him some.

The whiplash from the raging wind combed his hair in a rather usual mess that seemed to be freezing in place. Eyes squinting and dry, the male tried to listen to the echoing, foreign words from the goddess. According to his watch, he was in the right place (perks of being rich and having a GPS watch).

Sighing, he looked up from where he stared. He had a question. Granted, it was one he couldn't ask for the stupid woman from his mind hadn't appeared yet. She was oh-so-useful. Not!

He had a vague idea about their mission. Such a fallacious thing and yet something he so willingly walked into. Perhaps it was the promise of fixing his life that drew him here? Or maybe he just really liked the cold. Didn't Disney create a movie about the cold once? Something with a song -- "the cold never bothered me anyway." He snorted. Yeah, if anyone wasn't bothered by the cold, then they were likely dead. Or stuffed.

Mulling back over everything, he recalled the message. To save the present, they needed to fix the past, which would alter their future. It was crystal clear, save for the part about a sin. A bit baffled by the idea of partnering up with a sin, the handsome man took a very stiff step toward one of the others.

Brows furrowing, he tried to find his voice but his lips seemed to be stuck together. Applying some chap-stick to them, he finally felt them melt away from one another so that he could converse with the others.

"Did anyone else notice she forgot to mention how we will carry out these missions?"

He spoke to no one in particular. It was merely a statement that he figured would never get answered. How could it, though? None of them knew. Hell, as he looked over the other six faces, Harv found himself wondering who they were and why he was to team up with them.

Harv's mind was searching for the answer to that question he just presented to the six others who were gathered around him. Sure enough, though, his question received an answer as a glowing force-field vaporized before them.

Warmth exploded from the streams of light that seemed to light up the dark skies. Swirls of color danced before their eyes and brought most into a trance. Why, even Harv found himself smiling at the beam of light -- such a gesture was far too gay for him, and yet it was happening!

Being the brave one (or perhaps the only one that didn't care about the consequences of his actions), Harv took a sure step toward the light. Tugging his right hand from its burrow within the coat's pocket, he wiggled his finger-less gloved fingers before the stream of light. Staring at it, he didn't move his hand into the rays until he blinked.

As if by magic, a pulse wave shot out from the ray of light. Instantly, all seven were engulfed by the mystical field. Their bodies began to levitate and their attire started to shift. No longer dressed in winter gear, the seven figures were now donning their Age of the Dinosaur era garments, which ranged from caveman attire to military grade gear. Harv was one of the lucky ones that was gifted with the camouflaged uniform that did not include a little cloth to cover his crotch. Thank god! Wait, then again, he didn't mind the idea of showing off to the sexy ladies....

Bodies phasing in and out, they are met with a familiar female voice - Yuera's voice.

Harv kept his head level, staring at his attire more as the voice spoke to them.

"Your first mission will end with the collection of a battery. After you have secured the battery, look for the beam of light, much like this. This is the Era Key Portal. It is the only thing that will allow you to era jump. Again, good luck."

Consumed by warmth and a rainbow of color, the seven float up toward the heavens. By the time their bodies reached the first layer of clouds, they are already transparent and on their way to the historia crux.

The historia crux, a stream of black and purple mystics, was littered with sparkling dots. Each of those dots represents a period in time. As the seven whizzed down the stream, they came to a jarring halt over one of the dots on the far end of the spectrum.

"Don't tell me," Harv spoke in a sing-sung voice. He loved being Captain Obvious.

Now in free fall, the so-called heroes "dropped in" on their first mission. Of course, with this drop, the mind probably replayed the life. Who would honestly assume all would be fine and dandy. They were literally falling from the sky without anything to slow or save them. As life flashed before their eyes, the sins would toy with the idea of changing their past. Regret, perhaps? Or maybe pride, with regard to enjoying their position in life? Either way, it appeared as if all were coming to an end.

That was, until they landed safe and sound.

"Anyone else shit their pants?" Harv looked around, cocky grin on his face. That grin soon faded though when he gawked at the new world around him. A world so foreign and strange. Odd sounds erupted all around them and leaves bigger than man fell from the sky.

"Awww yeah," he was beaming. "I've always wanted to try dinosaur. Now it looks like I can."