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Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-03-2018, 09:39 AM

If today is California Clean Air Day, then let's get things back to normal with California Gross Polluter Day tomorrow.

Like these silly national daze for this and that will ever make any difference. It's no wonder why our world is in the state it is in. I mean what a joke. Some guy back in the 1970s made a car run on water. He even took a trip cross country to prove it worked. How was he rewarded for his efforts?

He was found dead. Specifically, he was poisoned.

Let's do some math. We spend hundreds or even several thousand dollars on gas or diesel each year. But if our cars were powered by water, then that cost would be reduced by roughly 99 percent. And since vehicles powered by water would emit zero emissions, there would be next to no pollution.

Repeat after me: We are Americans! This is the land of the free and home of the brave. We are free!