Thread: Worlds Apart
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Old 06-02-2014, 07:58 AM

His world was nothing but steam and water powered buildings. They wanted to build to the sky to be one with their god but as they did, they began clearing more land to do so. Soon the buildings were taller than the trees. He saw them when he slept and when he was pulled out of dreams, it was because something was crushing him. Grimacing, he turned his head and shifted a bit, flattening himself as much as the oversized chair would allow. Garrison hadn't expected to become the bed, but didn't mind it. The closeness was something he'd been craving for a long time, but it was stupid to give anyone in his crew any kind of power over him, the way even casual intimacy might.

When he closed his eyes again, he could see the churches dedicated to the worship of the god he didn't believe in. Mat'suata, the lion, who gave birth to the first sun in the universe, and whose paws dug up the first planets. His planet was the first of many, and was currently one of the oldest in the known universe. But he still didn't believe in some lion god. He shifted and opened his eyes again, feeling the warm body above him. It was nice, but curled up so long was starting to numb his body. He moved, turning over fluidly until Nathaniel was cradled against his front, and his arms were around the young man's slender body. How could it be such a flawless fit against him? Garrison purred without realizing it.