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Aloriel is offline
Old 12-28-2012, 05:10 AM

Lillian rode silently in the passenger seat as her twin drove her to the Academy she had researched. When she sent in her application she never expected it to be real. She looked to her twin, Sasha, and had to stifle a tear. As per her letter, she wouldn't be able to have contact with anyone outside the walls of her new school.
"I'm gonna miss you," Lillian mumbled as she looked down. Sasha looked to her and smiled.
"I'll miss you too. Just remember, I can visit you at your job. They are letting you keep your job, right," Sasha asked. Lillian slid down in her seat a little as she put her letter to her mouth.
"I don't know," she grunted. She was kind of feeling hurt that neither of her parents wanted to see her off. They hadn't even bothered to say good bye to her before she left. In fact, the last time she had seen them was a few days ago when she was just finishing up packing. Her father had been standing in the doorway smiling triumphantly.
"You're going to love it there, I'm sure. Just be . . . just be good," he had said awkwardly.
She brushed it off. He obviously didn't care enough. Her mother had been worse though. She didn't say anything to her when Lillian accidentally bumped into her in the kitchen. But things had been left sour with their last conversation. Her mother had finally been honest about her feelings and had called Lillian a "freak of nature" and a "mistake."

Lillian contented herself with looking out the car window. Sasha passed many long patches of forest before she finally pulled up to the school. The car stopped and the girls looked to each other. Sasha looked away toward the school.
"Wow! Looks gorgeous," she said with awkward excitement. Lillian looked up at it.
"I guess it's all right." she said under her breath. She didn't want to be separated from her twin. But she knew she would be okay. Twins are born with links and depending on how they develop it, it can become stronger or weaker. Since Lillian knew her twin was an empath, she knew their link was stronger.
Lillian couldn't help it. A tear came to her eye and she began to cry.
"Do they hate me that much that they'd rather send me away? What's so different about us anyway," she sobbed. Sasha grabbed Lillian up in a hug and just held her.
"You know I don't hate you. I'll always be here for you. And now I know where to find you. You know we'll meet tonight, I promise," Sasha tried to comfort her the best she could. Lillian pulled away and smiled.
"I'll be waiting by that oak tree," she said as she pointed to the one behind her.
"I'll be there," Sasha grinned.
Lillian opened the door as Sasha popped the trunk. Lillian grabbed all her suitcases which were on wheels. She then closed the lid once all her luggage was out. Sasha walked around the car to Lillian and they both looked upon the school.
"You know what room you're in," Sasha asked.
"I'm room 18," Lillian answered. They embraced one last time before Lillian walked toward the front gate. She pushed one open and walked through them with her luggage. She turned to wave good bye to her twin who was still outside her car, waiting. Lillian looked around the school grounds, taking in her new home. It was beautiful. It was a bit of a walk to the doors but she made it there as the sun began to set.
Shoot, won't have any light to find my way around outside she thought. She followed the signs and they led her to the hallway where her dorm room was. She walked slowly, looking at each number to find 18. When she did she opened the door and was instantly amazed. It was wonderful. She opened her cases and put her clothes away in her dresser and closet. She made up her bed with all her sheets and quilts. She then set up her collectibles and her laptop. By the time she was done her room looked even better if that was possible. She was tired and decided to go to sleep. She was also eager to see her twin, so she wouldn't get homesick too soon after arriving.

((hope i did ok for my first post.))