Thread: Ironwood
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Quilly is offline
Old 01-23-2015, 11:39 PM

Tex sat in the lawn chair he had prepped for his personal use on the wall, sharpening his axe and taking stock of his surroundings. He usually didn't get more than five hours of sleep tops, so he figured he might as well drop in on the night watch and make sure they were still doing their jobs. To his eternal pride, they were. He trained 'em up good.

It was a clear morning, the sun just starting to peek over the soft rolling hills and glistening off the dew. Tex took a deep breath through the nose. Cookfires from last night still lingered, a faint whiff of breakfast getting started, fresh air, clean trees--nothing did a body more good than that, he thought as he tested the edge of his axe.

A tiny Runner slipping down a tree didn't escape his notice (though Lynnhaven and North both would swear up and down that he didn't pay a lick of attention to much of anything). He knew that wild white-blond hair anywhere, but just to mess with her, waited until he was just out of her line of sight before yelling.