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Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 01-25-2018, 07:11 PM

That's awesome, I love the druid even though it is pretty op in 4.0 my DM was like "Can you really do that" and I'd have to show him in the book XP Then he just decided to give everyone some OP power and started throwing MUCH higher lvl enemies at us to even things out XD

hmm I was thinking a crow but if Amane can already fly that's not really so useful... debating on if I should be something really big or really small ....
actually I think I'll go with a black panther, swim, climb, stealth or intimidating, or cute XD can't really be the discreet fly on the wall type but hopefully I can be the one hiding in the shadow now MWHAHAHAHA

Last edited by Bound Birdie; 01-25-2018 at 07:15 PM..