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Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 04-25-2015, 12:29 PM

“Then I will talk to my husband when he returns.” Karenina said softly. “I won’t let my son become a monster.” She shook her head and left the room hoping that Damien was going to be alright. When she came into the room she saw Damien giving the human girl instruction. “That won’t be necessary. She walked up to the bed and looked at her son with sad eyes and then turned to the human girl. “Damien, my poor boy.” She turned to the human girl and shook her head. “Stand outside of the room, I will come for you when I need you.”

“Is my master dying?” Connie asked softly.
“No, but the boy is being very foolish, now go.” Kareinia touched Damien’s face as she spoke.

Connie nodded and left the room. Outside of the room she stood very still wondering what was going on.

“Damien, it is true that you’re a noble and a pure-bread, but this foolishness has to stop now.” She looked at her son with tears in her eyes. “Do you even understand what is happening to you? My son, if you don’t feed properly you’re going to become a monster, your uncle dose have a plan for dealing with you if that happens, however its more likely that he might have to kill you.” She looked into his eyes sternly. “I am going to call for the human girl and when she come in, you are going to drink her blood, that is an order I won’t allow you to refuse. If you drink too much of her blood, the girl will be cared for and given a place to rest, however all of this nonsense about not drinking innocent blood is going to stop now!” She dried her eyes.