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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 02:06 PM

Arian nodded sympathetically at Joshua's words. He did not have any siblings, but his parents could easily fill in that 'crazy' position. He's also always running on little to no sleep thanks to his night owl activities of being hooked on games and lots of approaching deadlines. His eyes then lit up at the other male's next words.

"Really? It would be wonderful if you could help me with this desk!" He pointed at the huge box sitting in his cart beside him. "I still have some grocery shopping left to do, and my physical strength is far from being the best out there..." He glanced at his thin, not-muscular-at-all arms thanks to his exercise-less lifestyle. "I live on the third floor, and by the gods I don't know why no one ever thought to install an elevator into the damn building..." He grumbled, half serious, half joking. The owner of the apartment building probably wanted to keep the costs down, after all, so he could see why there wasn't an elevator. Didn't mean he had to like it though.

Turning back to Lexi to answer her, he said, "Sure, just slip me a note when you have it all thought out with the details, like name of characters, description of any original characters if you have one, how you want the story to go, etc. etc, and I'll see what I can do about it. No guarantees on how fast I'll be able to get it done though...still got a couple of deadlines waiting for me and I need to get that other doujinshi - One Piece, dunno if you've heard of it, - done and printed in time for that convention coming up next month..." He trailed off, realizing he was rambling. Coughing, he changed the subject.

"Anyway, this is, Joshua Hawkins." He introduced, hoping the uncertainty of not quite remembering what the other man's surname was didn't show in his voice.