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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 09-12-2017, 10:40 PM

Maria thinks for a a good ten minutes. she wonder how long this expanding the pool would take? "Will this take months are weeks to do? I'm fine with one room since I have my bed." Maria says her home could wait. if she has time to go hunt. for more treasure would keep her busy. the mermaid would not mind the cottage taking,longer to build. if the expanding the pool have room for hurt animals it could. be useful to the Silvern's make a bit more money.

If they help sea animals out it would. look good for the family plus people love animals,it would. be a good situation on their end. even charity's likely want in, to help release animals. once they have been fully recovered then be back out in the wild. if Maria could convince any of the rare animals. to come back if Trevor would not want to keep any of them. she be able to ask animals to come back each year. his zoo is open just for that day. she was unsure if she should voice this idea are not?