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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 04:12 PM

Even with her eyes closed, Eleanor's brows rose at Melik telling her that he was rich. "So apparently it wasn't only the poor and abandoned that got taken in," she muttered to herself. She was actually quite surprised by this; those that they had take in so far were either orphans, in bad families, poor families, lost or just plain unfortunate. It was her first time hearing a rich kid getting take, though it did confuse her as to why he hadn't been found then, rich people tended to be good at spending resources to find their own. Who knows, maybe he hadn't been there long enough or he had been let go just like the rest of them.

Though, even if this guy did have a reason, like the other was saying, it didn't stop the hurt the woman felt to think that someone close to you do something like that. She could feel his face shift, almost like he was smiling while he spoke of the man. "Melik," she sighed as she tilted her head so it rested against his more. "It may be wise to not tell anyone about him being a hunter. Even if you say he brought in the sick, I don't think people would see the grace in his actions. And if we're lucky, if anyone he brought in did live and they're hear, hopefully they keep quiet too."

As Melik yawned, Eleanor rolled the back of her head on the rock so her chin was tilted up as she thought. "Us the bad guys, huh? That's something interesting to think about," she said out loud, though no real meaning was behind it. "He'll have a lot of work to do if he truly wants to gain anyone's trust, more work to gain mine."

Eleanor peaked her eyes open as she looked at him from the corner. "He is a hunter Melik," she reaffirmed to the man. "You should know how they are viewed here. He's a danger to everyone here, but for some reason you and Nyx don't want to see anything bad happen to him. He's going to have to prove that he's not what he was, or even still is. If he bring trouble to the group, I'm sorry Melik, but there are too many here that I will not sacrifice for a single stranger that has the past he does."

She closed her eyes again as she continued, "But, if he manages to win over our trust and prove to not be a threat? Then we only seek to win on that end. I won't be upset if that were to happen. Nyx has a way of getting people to open up to her, so just maybe, just maybe."

---------- Post added 01-21-2016 at 11:37 AM ----------

As Fritz urged that all life was precious, Nyx started wondering if maybe they were all too hard on themselves for what happened. They had been treated like they meant nothing for their whole duration in the facility, told that they were monsters and didn't belong. Was that true? Or was Fritz right and they really did matter. Her eyes fell to him as these thoughts went through her head; it was interesting coming from a supposed hunter.

When he said to protect, like he did, the man had her full attention. She thought about Eleanor and what she wanted for everyone and her mouth sat slightly ajar. Of course, the idea that she and her man could be on the same path only encouraged this thought even further. Together, she and Fritz could see to everyone's happiness; their bond would show all that no matter how odd they were, they could be happy. Yes, their love would fix everything.

The man didn't seem upset about Eleanor's attack on him not all that long ago. Her brow furrowed slightly, a smile on her face at the thought that maybe he didn't hate the person that all of them looked up to so much. Though he seemed to have read the woman far quicker than many of the others and the sadness he spoke of, no one knew the source. "You've seen that much, but if you knew why her eyes looked like that, you would know more than all of us here," she teased, though a part of her wondered if this guy was also a mind reader.

As he took her hand in his, Nyx's eyes locked on the male, widening as he lightly kissed the top. "What are you doing," she whispered, a smile on her face as he cheeks flared, her gaze making sure they were really alone. As Fritz continued on, the woman's face only grew more vibrant and as he took a knee she blurted out, "Oh my gosh, but we only just met."

The light in his eyes, the white flash caught the woman's eyes, though she could always get lost in those beautiful orbs. As he stood up, the woman continued to stare at him in awe until he spoke. Nyx rubbed the back of her neck as she said, "Oh gosh, I thought you were proposing. Whelp, that's embarrassing."

Fritz's attention then went to her supporting Eleanor's goal. That was a good idea; Eleanor wanted what was best for them and did what she thought was best to do it. Granted, she hid a lot of things, bu-- hid, Eleanor hid things. Nyx's bright blue eyes locked on the male, she just stared at him as he changed the topic again, though she wasn't sure what he said.

"I finally saw it," she said to herself, her voice sounding almost breathless. A large smile formed across the woman's face as she said, "I finally saw it! Fritz, do you know how exciting that is!" Her mentally gears started turning as her eyes moved as though she were reading something written in the air. "You got hit but her too, oh my gosh."

Looking back up at the male, she grabbed onto his arms, closing the space between them. "What was it like?!" She asked, the excitement clear in her voice. "Getting hit by Eleanor, what was it like? It hurt, right? I mean, it looked like it did. But oooh, how awesome would that be?! You're so lucky!" Her brow furrowed slightly as she then said, "Well, I guess so are the guys that tried to attack us... But they're dead now I'm guessing, that's not lucky."

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