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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 08:27 PM

Eleanor couldn't get mad at the male for what happened; he couldn't control how the woman was going to react. The brunette shook her head, a slow sigh coming out as she said, "Nyx isn't used to people being near her as she sleeps." This brought a pitiful look to the white haired woman as she moaned,

"That's because you never let me sleep with you."
Eleanor shot her a sharp look saying, "Because if I did that you wouldn't let me go on guard." That, Nyx couldn't argue about because they both knew it to be true; most if not all of the others would agree with that statement as well. Instead, the water woman sat there defeated until Fritz asked for a cup of water. The woman slowly raised her gaze to the brunette, eyes wide. "Uh, oh," she muttered.

"Really? What were you doing yesterday?" She then held a hand up, eyes closed as she added, "No, nevermind. I don't want to know." As she looked at the woman again she said, "Go get a cup of water and give it to Noah, tell her she's going on guard duty with your man here. You have to get water for everyone."

Without a word, Nyx slid out of the room to fetch the blonde and do as she was told. At this point, the roars and slams finally ceased echoing through the caves and Eleanor turned, leaving the room. She didn't go far, just resting her back against the outer side of the door way to make sure Nyx actually did as she was told.

A large looming shadow fell over the doorway and Eleanor seemed to be talking to it with the way she moved before pointing into the room where Fritz still was. The massive four-eyed man that Fritz had seen yesterday came walking in, the twins in tow, Melik in his arms. He stopped before the man, saying nothing for a moment as he held the sleeping male in his arms.

"He got kicked a little," the man's voice rumbled, a deep base sound. He then moved to the cot beside him, carefully setting the boy down. "Sorry," he then said, the word sounding more like a growl as he moved towards the door.

As he passed by, Noah crossed paths with him, dipping into the door way with a cup of water. She walked up to the teal haired male, holding it out to him with a smile. "Here you go," she said with a smile. "Sorry about the wait." She then took a seat on the cot on the other side of the male.

"If you need me, I'll be taking watch," Eleanor said poking her head in before leaving to take her position outside. Nyx was waiting for her, knowing that the woman planned on doing that.

Noah crossed her legs, the movement causing the metal cot to squeak. She rested her head in her hands as she watched the man, almost as though she were trying to figure him out. "So, you're an alien, huh?" She asked, her eyes narrowing quizzitively as she watched to see how he would react to it.