Thread: Nights' Inn
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-20-2017, 03:16 PM

"Tea would be divine with these." Viridis spread a good dollop of jam over her biscuits, grateful for the crisp golden deliciousness of the food already. She was that sure it would be good.

After she'd mowed through one biscuit, she heard a hesitant good morning. Turning, Viridis smiled at Mira and added her own good morning after Hunter had pipped up. She was relieved to see the young man in something other then his inadequate clothing of the night before.

"Why don't you come and sit over here and get some food? I can vouch for Hunter's biscuits, they're some of the best I've ever tasted." Viridis demonstrated by taking another bite of hers. "Oh, and how did you sleep?"