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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-10-2013, 06:53 AM

Alistair nodded slightly as the woman responded to him. She was clearly human, and yet even she seemed a bit uneasy. Well perhaps not easy, but she did admit to feeling as if something was off. "Yes, something is off. It has me uneasy as well." And then his companion was being bumped into by someone. Alistair's entire body tensed, his grey-blue eyes flashing a bit bluer for a moment. It was an uncontrollable reaction as the woman with the intoxicating aura stood so near now. She was friends with the woman he was conversing with. As those eyes looked upon her, uncharacteristically Alistair found himself wondering how red her blood might be, how sweet and lovely it might taste. He licked his lips, and then bit down on his tongue once it was back behind those lips.

The taste of his own blood seemed to get rid of such thoughts, for now. The disgusting taste of blood already dead. His veins were burning now, before everything had been fine, but such close proximity had awaken his hunger. Or rather, brought to light a hunger that only the angel costumed blonde could satisfy. She was leaving though, after giving her friend a suggestive look and nodding towards him. Alistair had been around Kasimir long enough to know what that meant, and once again his lips quirked up in a smile as his gaze rested on the woman he had been talking too.

His body relaxing a bit, but his veins still burned. Itched at the feeling of his own dead blood flowing through them, burning for the sensation of warm, living blood. His skin seemed a little paler now, perhaps a human wouldn't notice, though a very observant one might. Alistair needed to get out, he needed to feed... on the blonde angel...No.. on something not someone..A deer, a rat. Not a human. Not the blonde girl, not anyone. Alistair shook his head to try and clear it.