Thread: Don't Hang Up
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-07-2020, 05:17 AM

Terrific. Just terrific. Harlan clenched his lips together as Jayde repeated his name, and tried his best to keep himself together. Maybe he could still save face, pretend like he didn't feel a rush every time the other man spoke his name, touched him. Hidden by the shadows as they were, he hoped the darkness also hid his expression ... Even if his eyes had slowly made their way to the ground.

"I didn't come here looking for you. Heck, I didn't even know Axel would be here!" Taking a deep breath, Harlan forced himself to finally let his real emotions show. "To be honest, I came here to hook up with someone so I could get you out of my system, out of my head. It was the only thing I could think of that might help me stay detached, take a step back from these things I've realized I've been starting to feel." He reached out to try and wrap a hand around one of Jayde's as he continued to speak. It seemed like once he'd begun, he just couldn't keep his mouth shut. "When we started this, I knew it was no strings, and I'm doing whatever I can to keep it that way... I'll hook up with as many people as it takes, wrap myself up in my music, anything to make sure I don't put any pressure on you."

Now Harlan forced himself to look into the gemstone eyes he admired so much. "I swear, this i the only time I'll ever say this, act like this... I don't want to lose what time we do have together, and I'll never ask for more than that, Jayde." He knew he sounded desperate, emotional. It was just so impossible to keep it all inside!

Harlan moved forward and tilted his head to brush his lips agrainst Jayde's with the very lightest of touches. He didn't linger over it, but sighed when he stapped back. He hoped he hid the turmoil he felt deep enough that Jayde wouldn't be able to see, and yet the dark haired man was so observant, Harlan was afraid he failed miserably.


Fane was shocked by Axel's reaction, but made no comment as he crouched down beside the singer. Though the manager wanted to rub comforting circles across the singer's back, he forced himself not to. Instead, the blond man reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a handkerchief... And a breath mint, of all things.He held both out so that Axel could take them if he wanted. "Hey now, what's going on? What can I do to help? If you need a drive home, I'll bring you over. It's no trouble, and if you want company, I'll stick around." , said Fane gently.

He felt guilty for having rejected Axel's advances, now that he saw the band member there on the ground, so miserable seeming. "I'll even take you up on that offer to dance?" Fane then rememberted Axel's vehement words from only moments before. "That is, if you would give me permission to touch you."