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I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:05 PM

Ruthie was frightened and confused. "Wot kinda place is this?" she muttered, hugging herself. She had just about screamed seeing the bodies on the floor and jumped to avoid them. She had tried the few doors she happened upon, but to her dismay had found them locked. She tripped on the floor as she stumbled further on. Just ahead of her she saw something that made her eyes go wide. It was probably the largest staircase she had ever seen. She took a second to rest on a step before thinkgng about her options.

Looking down she saw nothing but darkness. She could only count 7 steps before she could see no more. Migh' be a cliff. I'd drop to me death. She shivered at the thought of dying in such an awful place such as this. I wonder if I'd become on o' them weirdos? She shuddered again. She wasn't going down, that was for certain. Her only choice now was to go up the staircase.

She stood then hopped up one step, then another. She counted three, and could then see a light ahead. "Light!" she squeaked in excitement and for the first time since waking up, she smiled.