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Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 01:31 AM

((I'll start!))

Hezza sat out on the veranda of her mansion home, early one morning, watching the sun rise above her home, Third City. The morning air was crisp, clean and cool, and Hezza wrapped herself tightly in a silk shawl.

She had suddenly been over come by a chilling feeling, not caused by the morning air, mind you. She was troubled by her cold thoughts. Today was the 21st anniversery, 21 years away from the Sirius. She shuddered, she'd broken a rule, and now, only punishment awaited her. She wished for someone to tell, for someone to talk to, but there was only Slade and Rion. They couldn't listen, if the did, she would be punished again. She sighed.

Smiling, Hezza thought away her trouble by replacing them with memories of how Slade, Rion and she had given the best few years of their lives to create such a wonderful place! How she loved Third City.