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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-22-2015, 06:21 AM

Adam was always on edge, but having felt the eyes of the receptionist just about tipped him over. He instinctively hovered over his friends as they left the hotel and stepped outside. Once they were outside he got even closer to his friends, knowing that to the average passerby it probably looked like a man enjoying his friends' company. Enjoying their company was something Adam often did, but right now his mind was overridden with hyperviligilance that screamed, 'Protect band. Protect band.'

His first thoughts were to leave town. Just pack everything up and go. He'd rather them leave sooner than planned than to stick around and possibly be hurt. He couldn't tell his band members how much their presence meant to him, how much it would hurt him to see them get hurt, or worse, be killed. Adam thought about what Trey had said, the receptionist kept staring.

Adam's eyes darted from place to place, scanning their environment for possible threats, any strange smells, suspicious people, objects that weren't supposed to be there... He looked for cameras, cars, mysterious people... Anything. The more he searched for danger, the more agitated he got and ultimately the closer he ended up walking with his friends. It took a great amount of effort for him not to reach out and pull his friends closer to himself and walk with them securely in his arms... He knew they wouldn't appreciate that, so he settled for walking as close to them as he could without him stepping on their feet or tripping them up.

He looked over his shoulder at the hotel they'd just left. "We should be careful." Adam said. He wanted to speak what his mind was screaming, 'Danger! Leave now!' But he fought against it. He didn't want to scare his friends, he only wanted to see them safe. He brushed his hair behind his ear, trying his best to calm himself, but he was still feeling very hypervigilant and continued to scan the area for possible signs of danger.