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mewmew07 is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Pounded View Post
Awww thanks but I don't think aspirin would work xP.
Seems the ice has defeated the pain...for now :D
Still dunno why it was sore.....

Xelao: if it was Pownded.

OI! Not fair D< Try and be silly without me being able to defend myself xD.
Cheeky Miro <3

Hehe *cuddles* :heart:

Uhhh...hopefully yeah :D If I remember xP.

Ooo wow expensive O.O

Mmm exactly! They may be cheap but you don't know what condition it's in.
Though then again I doubt big shops that sell pre-used games would sell them
unless they were in somewhat good condition or at least worked to an average standard. Though saying that I guess it depends on the shop.
They were at this place here called Savers. But I don't know if it's just here where I live or they have them in other places.