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Midorikawa is offline
Old 01-02-2014, 09:15 PM

Okay done with chapter 2 so here it is. And I know there was no academy description last chapter, but that’s because I saved it for this chapter. Also some insight into the ranks perks. This chapter is a lot of description of inanimate objects, just as a fair warning, and its slice of life genre I guess. Well anyways enjoy.

Chapter 2: A talking Mightyena and a kind Charizard!

Sicilia stood waiting at the dock as the academy’s ship pulled into it. Students filed off of the ship, stopping as they saw their teacher. Once everyone was off or at least what seemed to be everyone, Sicilia spoke loudly and clearly towards the first years. “I am Sicilia Ilia, your teacher for coordinating. I am also the one that you will be following to the main hall where you will be attending your first assembly here at Tower Academy. Now follow me.” Once she was finished speaking she turned on her heels, her short black hair swinging behind her as she walked towards the direction they were to head.

“I’ll catch up with you guys later. I want to ask her something,” Junine told her new friends as she ran to catch up with their teacher.

“What could she need to talk to the teacher about when we haven’t even started classes yet or been shown our dorms,” Julian observed coming up behind Jackie, Robin, Midori, and October.

“Maybe Junine aspires to be a coordinator. I bet she would be amazing at it, not to mention she would look beautiful in a dress,” October commented, his face taking a red blush on as he thought about Junine in a strapless white gown and heels.

The group sweatdropped at the Entei Red, with the exception of Julian who was annoyed at the fact that they seemed to agree more with October than him. With an annoyed hmphed he walked away from the group and ended up next to some other blues.

“I’ll never understand that guy,” Midori shook her head at the red head, her eevee nodding its own head in agreement.

Once arriving at the school building the students finally got a good look at it as their earlier view from the ship had been hindered by trees. The school was large with the outside made of strong material for when students battled. For the most part it was one floor, though the floor was in between two different towers. One tower seemed as though it had been burned badly while the other one seemed newer and while it looked like the other one, it was obvious how it was designed with traditional Japanese style roofs and walls.

“Cave. We’re going into a cave,” the group suddenly heard Robin. Looking back at the school they see he was right. The center’s roof was dome like in structure with black and grey being the front of the walls giving the illusion of a cave. To add on to the illusion it seemed as though something was staring at them from the cave, while the non-burned tower had the illusion of something flying over it or landing on it.

“No dallying!” the students were scolded by the amber eyed teacher, a glare on her face directed at Jackie and Midori was present as well.

Jackie gulped at the teacher’s stare as they continued following her. “I get the feeling she doesn’t like us very much.”

Midori put her hand to her chin with the other on her elbow in though. “It is strange. From the exam she’s been against the two of us attending here. It really makes no sense.”

“There’s always reason,” Robin stated matter of factly, however instead of helping the others understand they just stared at him confused. “Waterfall.”

Again they looked at the sight before them as they walked into the building’s main hall. The place was roundish in shape and if one looked up the ceiling could not be seen as it was dark, or painted black. Along the walls were benches attached to the walls in their shape, and towards the back was a desk with a nurse standing at it. The walls and even the desk and benches were designed to look like a waterfall in cave. Like outside there seemed to be a creature looking at them, though this time it was from through the waterfall.

Sicilia led them to a hallway on the right of the dome shape, leading them past classrooms and walls that instantly reminded the students of Ho-oh. There were several other hallways connected to the hallway as well however they continued straight until they arrived at two double doors that were equal space from each other. One door had a picture of Ho-oh painted on it and the other had Lugia painted on it.

Sicilia lead them through the two doors where they found a lecture hall type of room that was large enough to fit the whole student body inside of it with plenty of extra room. “Sit by the front,” Sicilia announced walking down a set of stairs and on to what seemed to be a battle stage.

As the group of friends walked down they ended up next to Julian much to his chagrin. They were also joined by Junine which resulted in the following order: Julian Midori, Robin, October, Jackie and Junine.

“It’s amazing that this place goes underground,” October commented looking at the room seeing it was shaped like the tower with colors of gold and silver all around.

“Actually that’s wrong. You didn’t realize it but this spans a few floors of that tower. The rooms above it are where teachers stay and where offices are. There are stairs by two doors that are down by the stage there,” Junine corrected the orange eyed boy.

Midori looked at Junine confused by how she knew so much and even went to the point of asking. “Junine how do you know all that?”

“Hmm. I wonder.”

“The ceiling became black,” Robin commented before anyone could complain about Junine.

The group look at him confused before Jackie spoke up to correct him. “I’m not the brightest Robin or the most observant, but I do know that ceiling stayed black the whole time and didn’t change color.”

Robin just shook his head in a no fashion at Jackie which worked for Junine to understand the meaning. “He means that at first the ceiling was dark not black. We couldn’t see the color before since the lights are in the walls and floor. However as we walked the ceiling went from invisible to visible and it was revealed to be painted black. It looked black because darkness seems black but in the end darkness is darkness and black is black.”

“Right!” Robin cheered at Junine’s reply.

At the moment they heard a speaker system and looked to the stage to see that five people joined Sicilia on it. One was a man with long red hair, one with short lavender hair, one with long black hair, one with short grey hair and an elderly woman with grey hair in a bun.

The elderly woman was the first of the five to speak, speaking loudly and clearly. “I am Ms. P, your headmaster. For starters I would like to welcome you all to Tower Academy where we will teach you what you need to know about the world of pokémon to decide on your path after graduation. Now the point of this assembly is to tell you about the school but first some of the others want to speak.” Once finished Ms. P stepped back, her long sleeved blue dress undisturbed by her movements, while the grey haired man stepped up next wearing a simple suit.

“I am Johnson Robinson, but just call me Robinson. I am the vice head master and help Ms. P out with her job as headmaster. Now I believe you all remember the instructions sent to you before entering,” this received several nods from students. “And you remember talk of the dragons cave and mountain and such,” more nods. “Good. However we have on good authority that several of you think you’re already at the level to go to the banned places, so we decided to test this.”

Once Robinson finished speaking, the red haired teacher walked up and called out names of students who Jackie and friends actually recognized as the students had bragged about being strong and having their parents’ pokémon. “Since all of you think you’re so strong, you should have no problem defeating one of your senior’s pokémon together as a team. So then, Junine,” the red headed teacher said looking directly at the albino.

“Is there a reason that you’re staring at me?” she asked as a reply.

“Hmm. I wonder.” This caught the attention of Jackie’s group as they recognized the tone and wording as exactly the same thing that Junine always did. And judging by the glare she was giving the now smirking teacher, she did not like him using it. “It’s extra credit and I know you could certainly use that. Also I doubt you want to stay in that color,” he continued, causing her to glare at him even more.

“That’s-” Sicilia started only to get cut off by the teacher.

“Sicilia I don’t believe she’s anything more than your student, and thus it’s not your decision.” This comment earned a glare from the male black haired teacher though it was one that was unseen by everyone minus a few. “Now Junine.”

With annoyance apparent, Junine rose from her seat and walked down to the stadium while removing her jacket. Once down she took it off and tossed it in the teacher’s face while taking from his outstretched hand, a blue jacket that the students didn’t realize he was holding until that moment. Putting on the blue jacket, something green hopped from behind her hair and onto the ground. The green thing was revealed to be a snivy walking on all fours as it and Junine stood on the opposite side of the field from the first years. “Let me reintroduce myself first. I am Junine Ikadoshi. I am a second year in the Suicune Blue dorm, Ho-oh rank and this is Emerald my partner. If you guys here on the field can defeat Emerald then you will be strong enough for places like the Dragon’s Cave.”

“Another rule is you may use any pokémon except fire types. The reason why is none of your business,” Sicilia ordered the first years as those watching watched anxiously.

Those that had type advantages over grass types chose them as their partners. Those that didn’t chose pokémon not weak to grass types meaning a tough battle under normal circumstances. “You guys make the first move,” Junine told them, her voice indicating annoyance. The group yelled at attacks all aimed right for Emerald and hitting the exact spot where he stood, creating an explosion that blew Junine’s hair and jacket tail like she was standing in a hurricane. Despite the explosion she stood calmly as the smoke cleared a little allowing everyone to see that Emerald was not there but instead if one looked up, they could see him in the air from dodging the attack. “Leaf blade,” Junine commanded calmly before leaving the field and starting up the stairs.

“Hey you can’t just leave in the middle of a battle like that,” one of the boys, a Ho-oh ranked Raikou yelled. Junine simply ignored him while Emerald landed gracefully on the field staring at the trainers. The trainers prepared to order another attack but before any could, they saw Emerald disappear, followed by a green light zigzagging through their pokémon. Emerald reappeared behind the pokémon; his tail leaves fading from a glowing green as all the pokémon fainted. He then ran and jumped onto Junine’s shoulder as she left the auditorium with the first years all shocked.

Sicilia with a final glare at the red headed teacher walked out through the same way as Junine, attempting to catch up to the student.

“Junine is a coordinator expert and rarely battles. Her pokémon just reached the level of those in the banned areas. So tell me do you still think you can handle them?” The students silently returned their pokémon and went back to their seats as the assembly continued on. Once it was over the students were to follow the teachers out, who it turned out were dorm heads and the only teachers to live in dorms and eat with students. Suicune Blue left first following the red head teacher. Raikou Yellow was next following the lavender haired teacher. Finally was Entei Red following the black haired teacher. Jackie and October ended up walking right by the teacher, allowing the two to get a good look at his golden brown eyes and see that his hair reached to about mid back. His outfit to them didn’t mean much since him and the other two teachers had been wearing a white button up with black slacks and shoes which they assumed was the dress code for male teachers. What most caught their eyes was a black strap on his head though his hair made it difficult to see, especially with it covering his right side of his face.

“I lost my right eye and ear years ago, so I wear an eye patch now. There’s also scarring so my hair allows that to be hidden,” he said with an accent like that of our Romania.

The two Entei Red boys blushed in embarrassment as they got caught staring at the teacher. “We’re sorry!” they yelled hoping that he wouldn’t be too mad.

The man chuckled at their antics before speaking again. “Don’t worry about it. People do it all the time so I’m used to it. Oh that’s right I never gave you my name,” he told them before stopping and turning to face the first years. “My name is Kuro Wolf, but all of you just call me Kuro!” he announced loudly to them before continuing to walk forward towards the dorm.

Once arriving at the dorm they saw that it was painted in the colors of Entei and was a two story building. The paint though was peeling and the place looked like it hadn’t been taken care of properly, which was confirmed as the students entered through double doors with Entei on them. The inside like the outside was peeling in paint the colors of Entei. Walls looked rundown, and as did the ceiling. Inside were two hallways, two sets of stairs leading to the second floor and another set of double doors that had a wooden Entei carved into them. On the second floor above the area of the double doors was another door, likewise with an Entei carved into it. Also in the room were some worn out couches and armchairs. There was even an old TV on a stand and some board games on a two level table.

“The hallway to the left is the boys’ rooms. Your names will be on your doors. The right is the girls’ rooms. Same as the boys for your doors. At the end of each hallway are the bathrooms. Bathrooms include showers, toilets and urinals for the guys. You may not enter the opposite gender’s bathroom without special permission from a teacher. Your rooms are all on the first floor. Through the double doors is the dining hall. Dinner will be in an hour so go settle in now. My room is on the second floor right above the dining hall where the other Entei carved door is.” After explaining the dorms to the new students, Kuro went into his room until dinner.

Jackie and October walked down the hallway searching for their rooms. Students ended up in rooms of two to three, however Jackie and October found both their names on one door without any other name, meaning they were roommates with just each other. The two smiled at each other as they entered the room and spent the next hour settling in.

Upon entering the dining hall they noticed it was painted like all other rooms. For seating they had old wooden tables with matching chairs. Dinner was served at a counter by a woman who students were lined up in front of. The two boys shrugged and walked over to the line to receive their food.

“Eh! Is this really what we get to eat!?” a first year yelled while looking at his dinner that consisted of a common, cheap sea creature, rice, and chocolate pudding.

“Food is food,” Kuro stated matter of factly, sitting at a table already eating his food.

“Food is not food! Not to mention this dorm is falling apart. Why!?”

“Actually I was curious about what is on the second floor of the dorm?” October questioned.

“Oh that? The second floor is fewer rooms since they are comfortable, for one person, and each have their own bathroom. They are reserved for Ho-oh ranked students. However the condition of the dorm depends on how well students do after the academy and in it. The better the results, the better the condition of the dorm as well as things like food. Entei Red produces the worst results and thus, well you can see for yourself.” Kuro swept his arm around the room to make his point as he said the last line.

“I see,” October said simply while sitting down with the teacher and Jackie.

“So Ho-oh ranked get better rooms…though I haven’t seen any red ones,” Jackie noticed as he looked around the dorm.

“That’s because we have two in the whole dorm and they aren’t here yet.”

“Come now Kuro. Who isn’t here yet?” a loud voice rang throughout the room.

“IT’S A TALKING MIGHTYENA!” several first years yelled at the voice’s owner.

“I AM NOT!” he yelled back at them causing the students to shrink in fear while the second and third years laughed.

Jackie and October blinked a few times just to make sure they were staring at a human due to him having some of the strangest hair they had ever seen. The boy was tall as was with his hair reaching his waist; however it was obviously wet as though he just came from the shower. Despite it being wet, the hair was spiky all along it as though a mightyena was raising its hackles. The more they stared the more shocked they were by his appearance. Not only was the hair outrageous but his eyes were as red as fresh blood and as he yelled they got a gander on his canines that were sharp like a mightyena. How could he blame anyone for mistaking him for the dark type pokémon?

“‘How could he blame anyone for mistaking him for the dark type pokémon?’ That’s what you’re thinking right?” a voice said behind October and Jackie. The two boys literally jumped out of their seats at the voice to see the tallest person in the academy yet with charizard orange hair that was just long enough to be called long as it reached his shoulders, the style covering his left orange-red eye. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you like that. I’m Vrasilisk Draco, one of the two Ho-oh ranks in this dorm. I’m a third year. I never understood why others tend to be more afraid of me than Kaori when his outfits always contain black shirt, black jeans, and those combat boots of his as opposed to my choosing of white shirt, black slacks, and simple black Dockers,” he sighed shaking his head.

“What are you talking about? It sounds like you’re an author’s new method of describing character clothes,” Kaori commented as he sat down at the same table as Jackie and October. “I’m Kaori Ballista, a second year, and this,” he started pausing to toss a piece of fish into the air which a mightyena came from nowhere and caught, “is Blitzkrieg, my partner. Now what are your names shiny boy?”

“I’m Jackie Anima and Pyrite is my partner.”

“October Judashan.” Upon saying his last name, October had several older students look at him curiously, making the boy feel uncomfortable.

“Yeah, yeah, he has my last name. That’s because he’s my wonderful younger brother that will give me his pudding,” a boy with pulled back blonde hair and brown eyes, said taking October’s pudding and eating it.

“Eddie! Come on. You could have at least tried the decency of asking me first,” October whined at his brother.

“I called you wonderful didn’t I?”

“You only called me that to steal it.”

“Now now, here October.” Vrasilisk handed the pumpkin eyed boy a pudding as he sat down next to Jackie and opposite to Kuro. “We Ho-oh’s and Kuro get twice as much as everyone else so I always have an extra for when Eddie decides to act like that.
A slight blush of admiration crossed October’s face as Vrasilisk spoke. Smiling he looked at the senior boy. “Thank you so much Vrasilisk!”

“It was my pleasure,” Vrasilisk replied with his own smile.

“No flirting at the dinner table,” Kuro commented.

“Eh!?” October yelled confused.

“Now now Kuro. October isn’t my type.”


“Come on you two. You’ll scare the boy right out of the school,” Kaori cut in as the Entei Red students laughed at the scene. Dinner continued with joking around and laughter until everyone finished and went to bed exhausted but happy from the enjoyable time.

“You know Pyrite. I like this dorm. Everyone is really friendly and has a good time together,” Jackie said to his partner.

“Bui bui,” Pyrite agreed as the two fell asleep for the first day of class the next day.

Extra Story: With the Suicune Blues for Dinner

Julian sat at one of the tables in the Suicune Blue dorm’s dining hall, alone poking his last thing left on his plate. Everyone around him had someone to talk to, even the first years, except for him. He sighed as he continued ignored, with no idea on what to do.

“Why aren’t you eating your apple pie? That’s the best part,” a familiar voice said from behind him. Turning around he saw that the voice belonged to none other than Junine, her head tilted to the side in a questioning manner.

“Um I don’t really feel like it.”

“Nonsense. Try it. You will fall in love with it. Come now,” she said while taking his fork and a piece and bringing it to the boy’s mouth, leaving him with no choice but to eat it. “Well?” she asked while he chewed and swallowed.

“It’s delicious!” he replied with a smile, earning a proud one from Junine.

“Good. Now I would love to stay and chat, seriously I would but someone owes me their apple pie.”

Julian watched with curiosity as Junine walked off towards their dorm head who was sitting down next to the red headed student Jackie had battle for his entrance. Without a care in the world, Julian saw Junine take the apple pie straight off of their head’s plate and walk out of the room with it.

“Junine Ikadoshi you little-get back here!” he yelled towards her, the irritation obvious in his voice.

“Those two are having a lover’s quarrel again it seems,” one Suicune blue student behind Julian commented to another.

“Yeah it seems so,” another replied.

’L-lover’s quarrel? That would mean that Junine and the dorm head are dating. A teacher dating a student that’s not yet a legal adult? What’s wrong with this school? I should have gone to the one that mom and dad suggested,’ Julian thought to himself, his face showing depression more than previously.
Read my short story here--> Bloodstained
Read my Pokemon Fanfic here--> Tower Academy: Shining Start