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Izumi is offline
Old 09-27-2013, 01:59 AM

It will be interesting to see how it shakes out. Aaron says his health insurance is just $240 a month to cover the whole family. (It kinda sucks that we seem to be on the hook to pay for the medical insurance for the kids and 50% of their bills think it would work out so that they'd factor it into the whole support thing. But anyways...I swear nothing about child support and divorce is ever fair.)

The good news is his coverage will cover 100% with a $30 co-pay for outpatient and 80% for inpatient services. The sucky thing is there is like a $1k cap per year for individual or $2k for family...but a $5k out of pocket? I really don't understand how that all works. I just briefly skimmed over the paperwork prior to Aaron leaving for work. Anyways, any health insurance right now is better than none.

I'm starting to wonder if my work is cutting people's hours down in preparation for the new health care laws? It wouldn't surprise me as I heard that there is a requirement for work to provide it if you're seen to be 'full time' employed. I have a feeling it will lead to more people working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. I think it's kind of sad.