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Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 10:57 AM

Island of Lost Hopes


On the Island of Lost Hopes, a young succubus awaited her demise. She thought herself an evil being, and so wished to repent. But no demise came to her, she was afraid she would have to wait too long, for she did not wish to do the task herself nor make any of her pets do so. I should add that her purpose as a succubus is unlike any other sucubi or incubi. Before she was brought into this world, a curse was placed on her for the misdeeds her loved ones in her past life had done. And so, on this lonely, forgotten island she was destined to have no love for anyone but herself, to only be able to attain life energy from her pets relations with others, and to always have hunger, never be appeased. She was raised by her pets and lives with them now on this island where hopes were thrown away.

~The Setting~

The 'family' lives in a place called Enigma Village on the Island of Lost Hopes.
Enigma Village is situated next to a river and between a wood and a forest.

[Map of Enigma Village to be added if I can ever get it drawn.]