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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 04:37 AM

Terry, like others his age, hated the first day of school. The day was long and tiring, as he had to get up early in the morning to catch his flight, which took 4 hours to get to its destination. He was then bundled up onto a train with the rest of the students, which chugged though the country-side and into the mountains where Holly-Oak was located. The sky was dark when they arrived, and he was glad to be able to stretch his legs.

After being jostled about by the crowd of boys, and sitting through boring speeches, he was allowed to leave for his room while they got dinner ready. He kept his head down, his long dark hair covering his face as if he was a shadow. He avoided most of the large crowds, who talked about their summers and laughed amongst each other. Terry didn't have anyone he was particularly looking forward to see. He liked being alone.

He reached his small room, dumping his bag on his bed and glancing over to the other bed located in the room. His room mate's belongings sat there, but the boy was not around. He sighed with relief and kicked his shoes off, lying back on his bed and staring at the ceiling.

His summer hadn't been very eventful. He had spent most of it with his senile grandmother, as his mother was out enjoying her new life with her new boyfriend. Terry met the man and didn't like him much, but then again, he never liked his mother's boyfriends. He sighed, blowing the hair from his eyes as his room mate entered the room. The boy's name was William, but Terry called him Grinner, because the boy always had a huge smile on his face.

"Ah! Terry! Did you have a good summer?" Grinner asked him, going over to his own bag of belongings and pulling out some clothes. Terry nodded in reply, not really feeling up to talking. His room mate sensed this, his unnervingly wide smile appearing on his face. "Like that, eh?"

He pulled out his jacket, and put it on before turning to leave the room. He stopped at the door, however, and looked to Terry. "I can't wait for tonight. It's been awhile." Grinner then chuckled and left the room. Terry stared after him, biting his lip slightly. Grinner was just one of the many boys he did favors for. It had been awhile since the last time he did anything like that, so he hoped it wouldn't hurt too much.

He heard the bell chime for dinner, getting up off his bed with great effort and slipping back into his shiny black shoes. He slowly made his way down to the dining hall, smiling lightly at those that greeted him. Some of those boys would want a favor from him soon enough.