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Uoi Nota
Uoi Nota is offline
Old 09-30-2014, 11:35 AM

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-map here-
    • Sikulen Hall • The home of the Ikal who have chosen to follow Princess Darielle and her ways.
      Mount Varcan • The domain of Alphonse's loyal Ikal, those dedicated to evil and ruin.


Universal Species Traits

You may have noticed that nearly all of the Ikal carry odd designs on their
shoulders. These marks are unique to each Ikal, and no sigil is ever exactly
the same, even in otherwise identical twins. Sigils are, in short, the brand
that Alphonse left on the Ikal when he formed the bodies they inhabit.
A rare few Ikal are born without a sigil. Among the Kaizhar and especially
among the Sheenai, this event is seen as a cause to celebrate their freedom
from Alphonse. Some think that one day all Ikal will be born without sigils.
The Vachen, the Ikal closest to Alphonse, cherish their sigils and should one
be born without a sigil, it is taken as a bad omen or curse from their creator,
and the 'unbranded' one is often banished from the lands of the Vachen.

Ikal are wild; creatures built of nightmares. As such, they do not have human names.
Their names often describe their appearance, perhaps are taken from another species,
or describe something about their personality.
Examples of these might be - Snow Feather, Sparrow Heart, Dream Walker.
The other names may not make sense to humans at all, and are interesting sounds
or they may mean something to that Ikal.
Examples like this for instance - Shatel, Ker'in, Fahnleel.

If you do choose a name for a new pet that is not fit for the realm of Uoi,
we may ask you to change it to something more suitable.

Individual Species Traits

Kaizhar are the most commonly seen, for they make up the middle
ground between Vachen and Sheenai. They live in packs, each run by an
Alpha mated pair. Each pack is different in its values and restrictions, and
most packs are very territorial.
The Alphas are responible for the delegation of pack ranks, although a member
may often request a specific assignment if they feel they are best suited.
The Kaizhar are on grudgingly acceptable terms with both the Vachen and
Sheenai, neither caring for either nor particularly hating them. For the most
part, the Kaizhar want to be left alone by Alphonse and Darielle, preferring to
live without pesky allegiances.

The Sheenai are those few Ikal who have been touched by true kindness,
and as such they are shunned by the Vachen, and only tolerated by the Kaizhar.
They live secluded to the northern mountains, though most dwell in or near
the ruins of castle Sikulen, where Darielle herself resides. The Sheenai live the
most like a human culture, mainly because of Darielle's influence. They live
in familial groups, and they have begun to refer to themselves as Dynasties.
Instead of a delegated rank given to them by the Alphas or by Alphonse, Sheenai
choose their path in the culture, picking a 'job' (i.e. pupsitting or hunting) in
accordance with their own desires and strengths.

When you RP a Vachen, keep in mind they are aligned with Alphonse the
Alchemist, and they give him their loyalty instead of a pack's Alpha pair,
or Princess Darielle of the Sheenai.
He sets no living restrictions on the Varchens, unlike Sheenai or Kaizhar
hierarchy, but if he asks something of your wolf, you're bound to obey him.
Vachen's main intent is the spreading of chaos, discontent and malice,
and there is an innate dislike between Sheenai wolves and Vachen.
Vachen see the Sheenai as beneath them, though they will sometimes
consort with the Kaizhar wolves.
Varchen do not usually form packs, but rather what Alphonse calls
Sects, a group of Varchen usually together temporarily for a specific purpose.
These can be long or short term groups, and are usually run by a single Ikal.

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Last edited by Uoi Nota; 10-12-2014 at 03:09 AM..