Old 06-04-2010, 03:14 AM

A new soul blossoms in nature
Username: Iltu
Description: The dragon’s teeth (Laqueum dracon) is a carnivorous plant of magical properties that thrives in areas full of its natural prey. While other plants of this type typically lure and trap insects for their meals, the dragon’s teeth feeds on fleet thief fairies (volaticus furs). The plant closes its petals around its style, stigma, and pistil, which are collectively shaped as a dragon’s mouth. When an unwary fairy flits by, the petals unfold and the dragon-like plant strikes! Its small but powerful jaws sever its quarry’s spine, at which time the petals close back together around the prey. At this time, digestion begins, a process that takes several days.

Draco minimus (known colloquially as the bean dragon), the smallest species of dragon known to man, often makes its home near areas populated with dragon’s teeth. It is a well known fact that fleet thief fairies earned their name because they steal colorful bean dragon eggs to decorate their homes with. The dragon’s teeth serves as protection for many a bean dragon’s nest, and the bean dragon in turn helps to pollinate this curious species of flower.

The petals of the dragon’s teeth vary in shape, size, number, and color, making it hard to recognize unless it is actively chomping down on a fairy. However, at a second glance, it can always be identified by its distinctive leaves, which are shaped like dragon wings.

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