Thread: Disney Movies!
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KittyCat18 is offline
Old 09-03-2015, 05:43 AM

I still have almost all of my VHS tapes of Disney movies. They're all in a box but they're still there! We have most of the Disney movies that we had on VHS on Amazon prime where DVD now. It's so weird that this generation of kids are not Going to know what it was like to have to rewind VHS tape. Guess I never really imagined I would get to that point in my life where I could talk to a 10-year-old and say when I was your age... XD anyway I remember marathoning Aladdin, I could never get enough of it. I had this little TV in my room and I would rewind it over and over and over! It wasn't even the first Aladdin movie, in fact I hadn't even seen the first Aladdin movie in till about Three years after I saw the sequel, LOL. I love Disney!