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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 07-28-2015, 10:55 PM

Colette's eyes widened immediately as one of the many dolls that filled her new surroundings had begun to float. She gasped a little as it spoke, I'm Anna. Though, Colette's first reaction would be to respond to the ghost, she found her hands immediately began to busy themselves with writing down what was transpiring, even though she wasn't looking at her notepad and her writing was probably very sloppy. She spoke as she wrote,

"Hello, Anna. I believe you already know my name...." She gave a gentle smile and awkwardly began to circle around the room, trying to see if she could feel the presence of Anna. Colette found that she could, in fact, feel her presence and it was surprisingly warm and light. The air surrounding her didn't feel heavy and dense as it did in most of the haunted homes she visited. Perhaps, this particular ghost held no ill will?

Colette opened her mouth to speak again, when a strange feeling washed over her and she could feel Anna's spirit fading away. "Oh... Wait! Please..." Colette sputtered however, she was interrupted by the sing-songy voice of a young girl... A strange little tune was sung and Anna's presence was lost. Colette stood in the darkness, alone and in awe. She stared off into space where the doll had once floated for a moment, then two, contemplating the song that was sung.

Her fingers got busy once more and she immediately wrote down in her notepad what she could remember from the tune. "...When to run away?" Colette stared at the words she'd scratched onto her parchment. It didn't make much sense to her, but she'd be patient in dealing with this ghost. Colette vowed in that moment to discover all she could about this ghost. Whatever their reasons for lingering in this life were, she'd help this ghost find peace.

Colette reviewed her notes once more, making sure to take notes of all that transpired this night. Yes, everything looked good. She then slipped her notes back into her old suitcase and turned around to light some nearby candles. She took this opportunity to slip out of her traveling clothes and into something more suitable for bed, all the while, thinking of the ghost she'd met and how different this one seemed compared to others she'd crossed paths with in the past.

"Anna..." She lamented. "Anna. I will help you find peace. Poor thing." She though aloud as she dressed.