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Angels dont come better than those from the darkness They know both sides
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 11:49 PM

(*giggles* sometimes someone needs to speak up for others to realize it. Glad its back on!!!)

Serenity was finally ready to head out to town. Her health bar back up to full health again, she started to walk. As she did so, she felt a rumbling in the earth. There was a screaming war cry before a crunch crunch. When she turned around there was a huge beast coming her way that looked hungry. On that note, she ran like there was no tomorrow until she felt she lost the beast. As soon as she ran away from it, she looked back to see that it was going the opposite way. As soon as she looked in front of her again, she ran smack dab into another girl who was running away from the beast too. When they collided, they both fell to the hot ground. She didnt land on her back, but her stomach. It was almost as if she tripped over the girl who she had run into. Luckily, they didnt land one on top of the other. "Holy cow! Im so sorry, are you ok?" Quickly, she used the air to shoot her back onto her feet. Once her feet were on the ground, she bent down and put a hand out for the girl to use to pull herself up.