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WherededIGo is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 07:41 AM

Gilbert had no choice but to follow the girls, so he did. Maybe he could 'get lost' along the way. That way he could skip out Ann ever see them again. But he was intrigued a to how grocery shopping worked. Because he was shunned out of every store in his home town, he had never been shopping before, so it would be a new experience. He'd gone clothes shopping before though, or rather the clothes were shoved at him as soon as he entered the store, but he still considered that shopping. So he followed the girls out of the house, dodging a tree branch that nearly whacked him in the face.

Overlooking the town now, Gilbert hadn't really realized how big it was. O how busy it was. His home time was more laid back, no one was in a hurry to get anywhere, unless it was to get away from him. The memories set a sour taste in his mouth, but he had nothing else to compare the city to, so it was inevitable. The onslaught of cars scared I'm though, they almost ran over him a few times. Once again, barey anyone had cars in his city. Despite the fact that the world was really progressing, his town had decided to keep with the past. The streets were cobblestones instead of smooth pavement, the houses were made out of wood and each had a fire place for the terrible winters. Even the street lamps were old fashioned, seeming as though their glass cases were stuffed with candles to even try to produce enough light. Also everyone wore more concealing clothes, even the poorer citizens. There were no cars in his tiny town, since everything was a 5 or 10 minute walk away. The one thing that Gilbert missed incredibly was the Forrest. Hey beautifully secluded. As if they weren't trul a part of the world. They were the perfect place to hide when sense one was after Gilbert, and Gilbert had so many of his wonderful adventures there. They were also where he met his imaginary red headed friend. The only friend he ever had. The hatter stirred inside of Gilbert, and Gilbert snapped back to the present, restoring his protective senses and keeping on the look out for the rest of the trip. It wasn't good to lose himself in memories in public.

The store was closed? Gilbert was confused. Stores actually had a closing time here? That seemed ridiculous. What if somebody really needed food. He narrowed his eyes loathingly at the store. How dare it.
"Well, I only jut got in this place today so I dont know what would be a good restaurant either." He replied to Alice's question. "Though in a big town like this.... I sure there should be more stores open..." he muttered under his breath afterward. He felt a bit awkward being invited to a restaurant. Being invited to eat dinner at her home was enough. He felt like he was intruding now. Maybe he should just leave. Glbert looked around, feelin a little nervous. Such kindness was too good to be true.