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Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-10-2016, 05:41 PM


Elijah "Eli" Jinn


Age191, but appears to be in his twenties

Elijah stands at six foot two, with a lean and lengthy body. He has short slightly curly brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He has fair skin, with no visible scars to be seen. He is not the most muscular man around, but he has enough tone to him, which he would prefer to say is natural. He has a Star Tattoo, on the back of his right shoulder as well.

Elijah is the type of person you either love or you hate. He is a playboy and a party boy at heart. Due to his life's events, he has long since shed his prim and proper ways that he was raised in. He likes to think of it as letting go of what was holding him back, but he comes off more as simply having a careless attitude. If you're not his master or mistress, or someone he finds interesting, he is more prone to simply brush someone off and ignoring them or seeing little point in interaction. He is highly bold and blunt within his speech and actions, not afraid to say what he is thinking. Though he comes off as not caring about others feelings, he actually does take them into consideration to a point. However, he is not above simply ignoring them for his own feelings or enjoyment.

He enjoys playing with people, knowing how to push their buttons. He is not one to be crossed easily, for he has little trouble in literally tearing someone to shreds. He seeks out their most vulnerable parts, picking them apart at the seams. This is more of a defense though, often a cover when someone or something begins to get to close to a vulnerable part of him. He hates being weak or vulnerable around anyone. To that extent, he comes off as being kind of high and mighty, something more than he is or truly feels like. He likes big, bold and excess. The flashier and showier often the better with him. He likes to have fun, a good party and a good drink. Often found with one in his hand or close by. He is at times referred to as flamboyant and over the top within his mannerisms. At the same time, there is an air of power and elegance about him as well. Something that draws people to him that they often can not explain.

Inside, he is in reality more quiet and softer. He has a deep pain and darkness that he has worked on keeping buried over the years. He has a loneliness and a hole where his past is concerned, hating to talk about it, especially when it comes to his romantic past. He no longer believes in true love, or in a happily ever after. If anything, he more believes that everyone is out for some ulterior motive. That in the end, it will only screw you over. He is very vocal about this, having little trouble in telling people what he thinks where love is concerned. That does not stop him from being a man of passion however. He loves the feeling of another with him, close to him and intimate. He has little trouble using others for his own pleasure, as long as he keeps them at arms length and little more than that. He views most as only good for that. In this respect, he is seen as a flirt. Having no trouble in flirting with men, or women, though his true heart lies with one.

He comes off as cold and arrogant, but in truth there is more to him below the surface. He does have a good heart, one he can not resist at times. He does hate to see others truly hurt, especially by the hand of another. He can't stand to see a broken heart, for it often brings back memories of his own past. He is actually a good listener at heart, one who has been through a lot in his life. He is fiercely loyal to those who earn his trust or his respect. The type to truly care what happens, and to do whatever he must for them. On the flip side, he is one to hold a grudge. He hates being stabbed in the back, used or betrayed. Because of this, once someone has done something to get under his skin, it is not unusual for him to become very icy and standoffish towards them. He knows how to remain mad, for he has had plenty of practice in his life.

Where masters and mistress' are concerned, he is on the edge. He will do what they want, since he has little choice about it if they hold the ring. He is not above making a snide comment or toying with them a bit. When it comes down to it though, he knows when to shut up and when it is time to know his place. Even if he does not like it. He is seen as highly sarcastic most of the time, a man with a quick tongue. He knows how to talk his way around others, having fun at times in confusing others. He is both a good and bad guy, depending on who you are and how he feels about you. He is secretly compassionate and very aware of pain and suffering in others. That is what gets to him most. He keeps the better side of him hidden more often then not, because of his fear of being seen as weak or vulnerable. He does not want to be hurt or taken advantage of again.

He thinks if he is able to remain this way, that it is less likely that this will happen. Despite his fear of this, deep in his heart, he does crave his own happily ever after. He craves wanting that love, true love. He wants answers as to why this was done to him, how someone he cares for and trusted so much could betray him so deeply. He does have odd enjoyances outside of a drink, party or pleasure. He is very passionate about playing the piano, enjoying it. He also has a love for a good book, though he often only reads when alone.

As a genie/Djinn, Elijah has the physiology and the powers of a Genie/Djinn, including flight/levitation, shape-shifting, teleportation and more. He also has abilities in Reality Warping, and Wish Granting. Often crossed with what people see as magic, he is fine with people simply wanting to call it as such, even though it is more. He is very capable of using the power for his own desires at times, though as per his current circumstances, the will and wishes of a master or mistress trumps his own desires. Yes, being a Genie/Djinn, Elijah has been sealed to a tangible object. The object in question, is a Ring. As per the rules of being sealed to an object, the person in charge of the ring becomes his master or mistress. This forms a sort of contract between the two.

Due to this contract, he is unable to refuse the wishes or commands of the ring's holder, no matter how dark or degrading they may be. He himself, is unable to touch the ring. This means, he is not able to simply take it from the holder and free himself from them. The only way he can gain his freedom, is to have the ring willingly given to him by choice of the master or mistress. Elijah also has the ability of Semi-Immortality. He does not age, so he forever looks the age he was sealed away at. He also is relatively incapable of actual death. Meaning, he can not die from poison, starvation, being beaten or mortally wounded, etc. If his physical body is harmed badly enough, he is forced to pull back into the ring for a period of time in order to heal. This renders him unable to be of much use to the holder of the ring during that time.

At the same time, even though he is unable to die, he is still very much able to feel the pain of things. He is still able to feel the sting of a blade, or the pain that comes from being poisoned or stabbed. He is also able to be killed in one sure way. That is, if the ring that he is bound to is destroyed, before willingly being turned over to him. Since his power and soul is bound to it, destroying it will destroy him. If it is turned over to him, he is faced with a choice. Either remain bound to the ring and keep his immortality, or free himself from the ring. Both have their pros and cons. If he keeps bound to the ring, he keeps his immortality, but he risks having the problem of someone taking it and once more gaining a master or mistress if he is unable to keep it hidden or safe. At the same time, if he chooses to free his soul from the ring, he keeps his immortality in the sense he can not die by ageing, but he gains the ability to be killed by mortal wounds and his healing is slowed to more normal lengths. This would also cause the star tattoo to vanish from his back. Another drawback, is this would leave him open to being sealed once more, if someone managed to figure out how to do so.

He shares a psychic link with the holder of the ring. He is able to read their emotions and power. He also gains the ability of telepathy with his master or mistress. Meaning he can hear even unspoken wishes or commands from them, to which he is still forced to obey. The ring makes it impossible for him to refuse the master or mistress. If he does, the "will" of the master or mistress takes over. The ring will glow and he will feel a strong pain, his body and power forced to react against his will. The master or mistress can not shut off the link between the two, as long as their physically in possession of the ring. They can order him to not use it unless told to though. But if they do, he will still get feelings from them. The control over him is optimal when the ring is on the holders physical being. However, they can choose to hide it and maintain hold on him. However if another finds it while hidden, ownership immediately passes to the finder, as soon as they touch the ring. Most prefer to keep it on them, seeing it as the safest place from those who may steal it.

He has no need to carry anything with him for the most part. He is capable of creating or summoning whatever he needs, so he sees little point in loading himself down with stuff.

He was born in 1825, as Elijah Durmont, the son of a wealthy London couple. His parents were both pure blood genie's, who came from lines that had never been bound into servitude. He had a good life growing up, gaining anything he could ever want. They lived as high class where both the human and supernatural worlds were concerned. They had influence in both worlds, few dared to cross them. He had a little sister, by the name of Helena. She was fragile from a young age, but was the light of his life. They had a three year age difference between them, but while they were younger, they were inseparable. He was her protector, her big brother. He took pride in that, in having a bond outside of the lime light. For growing up, he was used to having to be a proper gentleman, having to act and give off an air of power and elegance while others were around. Being with his sister, was the time when he could relax and be himself. With her, he was more calm and laid back, able to enjoy the simple and modest.

However, as he began reaching his teen years, Elijah began to take an interest in things outside of simple friendships. He longed to begin finding love. Though he was interested, he found himself having little luck with women. His parents would attempt setting him up at times with others who they believed could help his future, but he found himself not clicking with them. Quickly becoming bored and turned off by the thought of a traditional love and marriage, he found his attention drawn elsewhere. He began to take an interest in Aiden, a worker at their home. The two had grown up together, although Aiden was a few years his elder. They had been good friends, but Elijah found himself feeling different around him as time passed. He found himself wanting to impress him, look and act his best around him. He wanted to be near him more and more, until his sister proposed the idea that he might be falling in love. He refused the idea, finding it revolting. His sister merely laughed it off, telling him that it did not matter who he fell in love with, that he was still him and she would always love him.

He knew his parents would not approve, so he tried to put it out of his mind. However, Aiden seemed to notice the shift in him, as he began avoiding him a bit. The other surprising him by confronting him about what was going on with him. When he tried to brush him off, it resulted in an argument that ended with Aiden kissing him. It was then that he realized the other cared for him as well. The two began a secret affair, that only his sister knew of. He knew he could trust her, and loved having someone he could talk to who would not judge him. Their love was passionate and fun. He had never been so wild in his life, able to go out and relax with the other. However, rumors of his dealings began to get back to others. His parents coming to catch him with the other in his room. They were furious, having Aiden fired and removed on the spot. They lectured Elijah about his status, his place and what was expected of him within this world. He snapped, telling them he did not care about what he was expected to do or be. That he was in love, and would begin living for himself.

Thus he left the home, taking off on his own to be with his lover. His sister was sad to see him go, but told him that she understood he needed to be free, to find himself. He was gone not even a year, before finding out his sister had fallen mysteriously ill. He returned home, but there was no help for her. Magic could not help her, nor were supernatural or human medicine. He wanted to be by his side, but his parents used the situation to make an ultimatum. He either broke it off what they called a foolish fling, or he did not see his sister again. Aiden saw what was going on, and did what he could not. He broke it off with him, leaving him to be with his sister. He was devastated, but also very thankful to him. He missed him greatly, spending his time by his sister's side. At the age of Nineteen, his sister passed away. He was at her funeral, feeling more isolated and alone than he ever had.

He remembered what she said about love, back when he had been confused. Making a choice, he packed a bag and took off to find Aiden who had vanished after breaking it off with him. He found him in America, with a girlfriend no less. It tore his heart apart, when he located him at a diner only to see the two kiss. He left, though not before the other noticed him. He followed him, resulting once more in an argument between the two. When Aiden kissed him this time however, Elijah ended up hitting him. The fight turned slightly more physical, before resulting in an angry and yet passionate night between the two. He regretted it in the morning, telling Aiden so. The other tried to explain that the girlfriend was simply a distraction, that even in the time that had passed, the only one he loved truly was still him. He proposed to him on the spot, presenting a ring to him. He said that he had been planning to propose to him back before he had broken things off to let him be with his sister.

Elijah had been caught off guard, unsure and a bit afraid. Though he still loved him as well, thus he agreed to marry him. They were happy together, getting closer than before. It was around this time he began to become more aware of the Lazrus world. He knew that it was throughout the world, he had had dealings with them back in London, though he was surprised to see how different it was in America. He knew that their main base was located there, but to see how much more rigid and colder things were there, it was new to him. Despite going to America, his parents were able to locate him. They were furious to learn of his engagement, but as an adult and outside of London, they had little pull upon him. That did not stop them from trying to interfere. Elijah and Aiden being pushed by events that happened following this. He was very much aware of the sabotage attempts, his parents not afraid of enlisting the help of the Lazrus world. Elijah thought they were making progress, that things were going well between the two of them.

Then, everything changed. One night, Aiden came home. The other instigated relations almost immediately. He could tell something was up, but the other was very good with getting in his head and his heart. It was passionate and full of love as the two had always been with one another, but he could not shake the feeling that there was something more going on as well. He woke in the morning, to the other staring out the window. He slipped out of bed to his side, asking what was wrong. Aiden held up the ring, making Elijah realize he had removed it while he was sleeping. The other told him that no matter what happened, he would always love him, that he would be the only one he truly ever gave his heart to. His words worried Elijah, making him question him more about what was wrong. The other didn't answer, instead giving him a kiss and slipping the ring back on his finger. He felt an odd sensation coming through him, looking down to see it glowing. He felt a sudden sharp pain within his right shoulder, before things began to shift around him. He did not understand what was going on, but before he knew it, he was within an odd room.

He could find no way out, it was rather simple within. A bed, a table and the like. No door was there, no windows or anything else. He called out, but no one answered. He was unsure how long he was in there, his mind swirling with thoughts and more. He came to be aware of the star shaped tattoo on his shoulder, as well as the missing ring on his finger. He came to a realization, one he did not want to accept. Aiden had some how done what every genie hated and avoided. He had bound him to an object, his soul and his power. Where most thought genies came from lamps, they could be bound in actuality to any object. What broke his heart more, was to come to the conclusion the other had bound him to the very thing that was supposed to symbolize their love and bond...the ring. Sure enough, eventually he felt a burning sensation coming from the mark on his shoulder, alerting him that he was being summoned. He was only then able to leave the room, coming out to a place he had never been before.

He came to notice a man there, who identified himself as a member of the head family to the Lazrus. He also came to tell Elijah that he was in fact his new master. It was there that his life of forced service began. Over the next hundred and sixty five years, that was where he remained. Passed around within the family, from one master or mistress to the other. He was able to travel with them and see the world, but he was always constantly reminded of his new place. He was a tool, viewed as an object rather than a person. He was seen as a way of getting what they wanted, and they used that to their advantage. It was rare for him to be treated decently, some of them took pleasure in simply torturing him during his time in their service. He has seen and been through many things within his life, which have affected him in many different ways. Keeping him within the family, that is where his service resides as of today. He has long since shed his birth last name, in place of it simply taking the last name of Jinn, a teaser on the other name for his people being Djinn.

Despite being from the early eighteen hundreds, he is always very well up to date about the world around him and the current times. Even after so long, he still maintains an English accent.

Radioactive, Strut, Ex's and Oh's, Addictive

Last edited by Kiyoto; 05-12-2016 at 03:54 AM..