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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-24-2009, 07:19 PM

Welcome to the Goblin Storyteller's Booth

A young woman clad in an assortment of articles of clothing sits behind the booth. She is surrounded by books, scrolls of parchment, and feathered quills (some broken, some not). One particular book is open before her, its pages blank. She is writing upon its pages, her quill moving swiftly, never pausing. Her eyes are completely hidden behind a pair of purple-tinted goggles; absently, you wonder how she can see through such dark lenses.

As you watch her curiously, wondering what place she has in this fantastic circus, she seems to realize that you are there and looks up.

"Well, hello there," she murmurs in a full, deep voice, her quill continuing to write even as she lifts her eyes from the page. "A visitor to my booth? You are looking for your story, my lovely, are you not?"

She taps the point of the quill on the page with an air of finality and tosses the book aside, not caring to see where it lands. Reaching down to a pile of scrolls at her feet, she selects one and lays it out before her on the booth. Her full lips curl up in a smile as she continues to gaze at you (or so you assume; you can't really see her eyes through those goggles), her quill poised above the parchment, ready to write.

"Now, tell me what you are wanting in your story, lovely," she murmurs; somehow you feel that it is an order, not a request. "Let me warn you however, that the quill has a mind of its own; it will take your words into account, but the ultimate weaving of the tale it will decide on its own...."

Your story request spills from your lips; willingly or not, you later wonder? The Goblin Storyteller smiles and nods. "Very well. My quill will begin its work. Meanwhile, if you wish to rest your legs from walking around the circus grounds, or simply stay and converse with me as the quill works, feel free to use one of those."

She nods to a spot beside the booth. Looking over, you see a group of chairs set up. Sitting down in one, you find that it is surprisingly more comfortable than it looks....

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 06-26-2009 at 09:03 PM..