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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 06-02-2015, 12:47 AM

[Cole's status: Visible to Bel, Asha, and the visiting dark circus group (always visible only to Adi, Euriphium, Skry, and Rosie); memorable to Adira, Euriphuim. Potentially memorable to the visiting group as well - your discretion.]


"Visible" = seen, but unremembered. If you see Cole, he's like a fragment of a dream. Usually you can't see him unless there's a specific reason for your attention to focus on him. Ex: He's moving objects around or speaking with someone else.

"Memorable" = Unless you have spoken to me about a specific allowance, you will not remember past conversations, past meetings, nor seeing him. You will not remember Cole's name, nor his face. It's like meeting someone new - again, and again.

If I've spoken to you about it, then some of you can able to recall his name, his appearance, or a quality about him. Some lucky few may even harbor brief, shallow memories of Cole.

The moment he saw Asha, Cole allowed himself to be wrapped in the woman's arms. Her warmth was preferable to the strange splintered thoughts trying to claw their way into his mind. Ears flattening, the faun shuddered and did his best not to jab Asha with his antlers as he rubbed his face against her. Soon, there was very little space (if any) between them. He was on the verge of a meltdown. Nothing he said was making much sense.

Hearing Kat's name from Asha's lips made Cole shiver lightly again. Kat. She was the eyes and ears of the other circus - or at least one pair. Every one of the visiting trio reminded him of his time with the dark folk. It hadn't been a long time, but it had been enough to make associations to his mother's disappearance. Anything that reminded him of that day nearly four years prior.

"Adi," Cole whispered as Asha and Bel watched the approaching trio. It seemed that Asha had the same idea. She mentioned finding the ringleader, and Cole struggled to keep himself from losing it completely. The youth's silver eyes were wide, his gaze like that of a frightened deer. It was a fitting expression, oddly.

So many strange things had happened already ... and it wasn't even lunch time. Cole hummed unhappily, but managed to walk with the acrobat as she walked with him. The faun's logical thoughts were scattered and difficult to obtain. As the twins had thought of Cole's "broken mind," it had been an accurate description. Were they right? Was he a light version of them? Cole wasn't pleased with the impression.

A second warmth suddenly joined Asha's. The familiar dusty scent of Euriphium's fur caught the wind, but did little to stem Cole's panic. The small creature continued to whisper strange scattered strings, half of them seemed to describe the inner workings of the trio while others were complete gibberish. As Euriphium leaned against Asha and Cole, the faun made a soft sound of distress. His hand immediately tangled in the panther's fur, and the faun's colorless gaze immediately sought the ringleader he knew to be close behind.

When Adira approached them, Cole tried to make sense of what she was saying. His instinctual mind did nothing but scream at him to run and hide, despite how good the newcomers were acting thus far. He tried to say he would be fine, but only a few strings of nonsense left his lips. "Always hungry for something they can't see, never able to reach it," Cole took a shuddering breath, but didn't reach for the ringleader as he wanted to. "I-I'm alright." He knew, somewhere in that animal mind of his, that she was needed to keep the peace. This event wasn't a bad one - just a visitation. And part of Cole knew that, but he couldn't be calmed. The screaming hiss of unfamiliar thoughts and memories returning were too much for the youth to push aside and stand in silence.

His arms wrapped around Asha as though seeking comfort, and for a moment his gaze lingered on Bel. He saw how the other male seemed ... pained. Something about that nearly disquieted Cole once again. He stared at the blond male for a while before finally forcing his eyes to close. He heard Asha whisper a few things, and by the time Adira seemed ready to confront the visitors he had at least stopped whispering. Perhaps it was because he was listening.

Cole focused on his breathing. In. Out. It became easier to do once he listened to Asha's breath and tried to match it's rhythm. As he finally began to calm, the short male's eyes flickered open to rest on Jasmine. She ... had wings. Blinking, Cole tried to focus on the wings that drifted about the sprite as she lifted from the ground. They reminded him of the warm feathered wings that Asha had wrapped about him. With so many people here, there was no reason to fear the dark visitors.

He seemed less volatile, and slowly stopped his trembling. Cole would listen, and keep himself from running off to hide.