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MessyArtist is offline
Old 06-22-2008, 02:40 AM

The first contest is a quote contest.
When I post "Chocolate is good for you" The first person to quote it, wins a point. When I post "Chocolate is bad for you" The first person to quote it loses a point, or gets a -1 point.
If I say Chocolate is great for you- You get 2 points.
If i say "Chocolate is AWESOME for you- You get 3 points!
If you get 5 point- you win a small item.
If you get 10 point you win a medium item
if you get 15 points- You will get a very large 500g item.

People with points:
[L]ove[H]ate- 4
Kalliste- 2
Elegant Feather Duster- 2

Last edited by MessyArtist; 06-22-2008 at 06:45 AM..