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CrepsMule is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:59 PM

rofl sho, well, that's what the other clue was about XDD when you have powers, you're superpowered.. lol maybe I didn't make it obvious enough XD;;

I dunno where she went, slowly she stopped signing on here much but we talked on msn still.. but for the past 6 months or so haven't heard much from her other than muggles saying she's doing well lol (I met her through muggles, they're friends irl), so that's good at least. muggles is a friend from america, we've been keeping in touch online since I moved ^^

and I know!! I'm always like.. must explain more.. give examples.. add nonsense.. and then we get these huge colossal text walls XD;; and aww, i's always worth it to text wall xP I don't get any candies or any other incentive for text walling in your exchange thread, makes no difference to me xP and yeah, twizzy's kinda like that too~ that's okay though, not necessarily a bad thing, and that way you don't really have to think about what you say if you're tired and stuff XD;;

and yeah.. I agree. like on all three accounts combined, I made like half the total worth I got from Celes Paradi on one account XD;; they really cut down what we could get with the event common currency D;

rofl, well okay, you win.. this time, because I'm nice xP I'll see you later sho!! good night!! :D