Thread: Mystery Daze
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Old 02-09-2015, 03:12 AM

"YES!" he shouted back into the shop before closing the door, the bell chiming again. Eyes darted around the streets no sign of that woman from before, no signs of people following his movement either. So he marched on wards, more careful this time with his steps. She saw through his tricks, glamor or no, if he brought too much attention to himself they would assign him a glamor buddy. The last thing he needed was a magic on a stick following him around.

The offices were still quiet when he made it back. The door to the chief's office was closed, so he just passed it on his way to his desk. Sliding the chest under his desk, J'kelo opened the bag to get his new marbles out. The shooter was an incredible find, he marveled at it, watching how the glass distorted the cow inside. "Darmac. You're back early. What's the scoop? Nothing yet from your victim, I know you'd ask."

Scooting the chest out from under the desk, he slid it across the floor towards his supervisor. "There's a place in town that gets these fairly frequently. Antique pieces with false bottoms and hidden access panels." He touched the decorum so that the drawer would slide open, showing off his find. "I saw a woman walk in to the shop. Tall, red hair, wore all black. Stuck to the shadows. She apparently purchases these things from the shop without the shop keepers checking the product. Sounds like anyone we have anything on? Could be our best lead right now." He wondered if he should tell him about the girl, that information might be useful, but she also seemed to have enough issues with his people as it was. He would keep quiet for the time being. I hope this isn't going to bite me in the ass.