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firedragongt is offline
Old 04-19-2007, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Alegretto
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Short? Yes.

Buggy? Yes.

Impossible to find? Yes.

Replayable? HELL yes.

Great depth and interesting NPCs? OMFG. You have no idea.

This game is just great, in every aspect (aside from being short and kinda buggy at points). I really can't recommend it enough. It's gorgeous, it's fun, the characters are all very vibrant, the dialogue is clever and snappy, and it sos open that one can play through again and again without getting bored.

It also has Beckett. Best.NPC.EVER.
sounds like an interesting game. I think I've heard the name of it before, but I'm not sure.