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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-18-2012, 05:28 AM

The call of potential loot was too loud, too hard to ignore. By now that other ship was probably done and sailing away from Tortuga with a satisfied belly. So Ryek barked out orders in French and spun the wheel, causing the ship to turn back in the direction they had just come from. Of course his crew balked at the order that they were going back. They really really did not like that ship that had been there. Ryek glared, set his jaw firmly, and threatened them until they went back about their duties. Though they moved about with a nervous air now. Ryek didn't care as long as they did what they were supposed to. His first mate moved across the deck now, reinforcing Ryek's word to those that were a little bit stubborn. It didn't take much to reinforce the captain's commands though.

The Devil's Dream sped towards Tortuga. Towards the rising smoke and the smell of fire. They really weren't too far out anyway, and this ship did make such good time, it was such a good ship. Slicing through the water as easily as a sharp dagger cuts warm butter. Ryek looked down at his compass he held, and blinked. His first mate had brought him the wrong one, Ryek had not wanted the compass that pointed North. He growled out an insult to his first mate in French, one that caused his first mate to blush with shame and his crew to laugh loudly. Then the pirate captain turned his back to the wheel and promptly threw the compass as hard as he could. it sailed over the short upper deck, and even a few feet out behind the ship before plummeting to the ocean with a soft 'splash'.

Ryek would probably regret that later, but then he could just send his first mate diving for it. He turned back to the wheel, frowning. The black ship was there, still and quiet though. All the crew was probably still looting Tortuga. That was well and good, he'd pull up beside the ship and take whatever was already on the ship and then sail away. Ryek laughed a hearty laugh, it seemed a good plan to him.