Thread: Threat Level
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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 10:07 PM

Hime followed the briskly walking group of agent's toward one cell in particular. The woman was easily the smallest member of SFA, and probably the smallest person in the company, criminals included. That didn't stop her from being one that Daliah called upon quite often. Given the situation, the petite blond, nor none of the other agents around the woman moved or said a word as the cell door was opened and their fearless leader disappeared inside. Once the request for water had been made and one of their group had vanished to retrieve it, the door was closed and the remaining agents were left to wait for further orders, should they have needed to be given.

The situation at hand was not something that Hime could control, so it was not something she tried to. Rather, she was getting ready to tell a few of the other agents to calm down as they seemed to be rather fidgety and wanted nothing more than to mumble amongst one another. And this is why you'll never be put into teams, the woman thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. Your fear and unease is far to easy to read and the criminals would easily eat you alive before you could take them down. It seemed only moments later that Daliah had once again joined them.

As she made her way down the hall, Hime and Sycom were two of the agents that had continued on with the woman. She wasn't sure what the red haired male had been told, but the blonde had some business with the woman. The first words out of the male's mouth instantly put Daliah on high alert as she checked his threat levels, which from what she had heard, were usually low. Hime on the other hand, her threat levels were a little on the high side in terms of most of the other agents which was something that had forced SFA to keep an eye on her. It was not uncommon for the woman's threat level to spike during combat, much like everyone else, but her levels were usually quick to drop back down to a safe number which made the company feel a little bit better about keeping her on board.

The woman listened in silently and their leader went over wanting to switch up teams as she began listing off a series of members. Hime had heard of these people, their teams were usually pretty good though being placed together would make them much more formidable. Upon hearing that this group was being assigned to her, Hime had to fight the urge of showing her pleasure and excitement for having this troupe. Upon receiving their files, the woman curtsied slight, bowing at her torso as she said softly, "I shall begin interviewing them at once ma'am." As she parted from the group, she caught Scyom's wave and answered that with another slight bow before turning to return back the way she came, her eyes on the charts.

She continued walking, eying the names she held before her, her new team before deciding she would conduct her interviews in alphabetical order. With that in mind, she flipped open Cias's chart, only skimming over some brief details before eying his cell number. Making her way through the large building that housed all the criminals, and even the agents, Hime counted the cells as she neared the male in question. Stopping before a door, the woman eyed it for a moment before lifting her hand over a pad; the objected scanned her palm and a dull click could be heard as the door unlocked, the lights in the room turning as the woman pulled the door open.

Even for housing such dangerous individuals, the doors swung open easily, though weight could be added to them if needed. Hime didn't open the door more than needed, as she was not aware of the exact location of the male she was to encounter first, though of the group, his records showed that he would have been one to be the least hostile towards her. Stepping inside, the woman tucked the charts under her arm for a moment to allow her to close the door. Pulling the charts out once again, the blonde looked at Cias's chart, his image paper clipped to the inside. Taking a few steps deeper into the room, her eyes gazing over the image and the rest of the information once again.

After her few steps, Hime could hear the sound of breathing, which meant that the male was nearby. Taking one last look at the image, the woman lowered the chart a little bit as she was greeted by a blanket clad backside, the owner's face hidden within the carpet. Hime tilted her head to the side, lips pursed slightly as her blue orbs looked back to the picture of the male that was within the chart. Looking back to the still figure, she cleared her throat as she said softly, though loud enough to be heard in the dead silent cell, "Mr. Cias I presume? I would much prefer to speak with you face to face rather than to your backside if you would be so kind."