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Atsukami is offline
Old 03-06-2019, 08:29 PM

I grown up with lots of friends, I was a weird child but everyone seemed to stick by Until the year before Grade 8. One by one I was being Ignored by people I consider Friends, one of them told me "I can't be your friend anymore I hope you understand" and she was the last one to go so I was like... yeah okay. (I was being slightly bullied just before that by someone I thought I made good friends with "(I never let it bug me so it dampered their fun) still to this day I'm not sure why they ignored me and why it changed, but I just let it be as my thought was ohh is this another bully tactic?

Since then I been leaching off my older sisters friends, we are close and she never seemed to mind as we made some good friends when we were together.

So now time goes on I'm 26 now me and my sister has a great group of friends who we meet up with often since 6-7years

Now the head of the group who helps make it more social isn't talking to me because I didn't agree that My sister and her boyfriend should break up, because he wanted to get them separated this year so she doesn't end up being a duck up(friend is with a girl who got pregnant and just gave for adoption) told me this, I get he probably told me this in confidence.

my sister and I are close, she doesn't even want kids, yes one time she got a abortion but she is safe now and knows what she wants and doesn't want , she is on pills to make her feel better (not just Bc) and it's working, she has grown so much these past few years , her mental state is wonderful at the moment.

I was mad he said that so I told her trying to be as close as what he said not twisting his words because I'm his friend to and he is allowed his opinion, saying I would have sent the text but because her and her bf share a account I knew she didn't want me to even though she told him aswell.

Obv my sister tells Friend, and he is already mad and deleted my contact saying ohhh I'm not even going to talk to her for awhile. So I'm dumbfounded he was even mad at me not agreeing when he was the one who asked what I Thought.

So it's been 2month of Ghosting... but is it even ghosting if I haven't tried contacting him, even though I knew of his attention? I have a fear of being rejected so it will hurt if I try to and get nothing back...

My sister and them still hang like every week.

I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry about this rant, I know it probably doesn't make sense because of how things are put.