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Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 06:26 PM

Alec was sat under a large Oak tree between the Biology and Art Buildings, it was his second year at Traverse Acadamy and the layout beween the buildings always annoyed him. "Why is the Biology building next to the Art buliding? Surely grouping them by area would be better?" He had a large leather bound book in his lap called 'History of European Art 1760-1840' "Ahhh why did I do art? I could be doing automotive design. Stupid timetable. Hmph." Alec looked at his phone and it was around 10am "Ahh Physics, oh how I love y, 5 minuets! I have 5 minuets to get to the other side of Campus!" Alec put on his skates and set off. He was tearing though all the passageways and accross greens getting some angry responses as he went "My god all people do these days are complain. Jeez it's not the end of the world."

As he approched the Physics Building he saw two people infront of the door. "Nononono get out the way!" When he got closer he saw two redheads. Skye and somone else that he didn't regocnise. Skye was in his art class and they were good friends having started at Traverse at the same time they became good friends quickly. Alec wasn't paying attention to the pavement and hit a small bump between to paving slabs and started to wobble. "Wahhh, Skye! Skye! Look out!!"