Thread: Doujinshi
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Gaming FFXIII-2
Eldweena is offline
Old 10-01-2017, 11:24 AM

Do you collect doujinshi? If so, where do you buy it?

Personally, I stick to ebay. Yes, it's costly to ship from Japan and the comics cost a lot more than they would if purchased in the country ($20+ instead of $5), and I can't even read Japanese, but I still like them.

I know there are services in Japan that will give you a post office box and then collect your mail and ship it to you for a small fee, but even though friends tell me it's safe, I feel nervous to do that. Mostly, I think, because I can't read Japanese and can't figure out how to buy things on Japanese sites to begin with.

I'm hoping our anime convention in 2 weeks will have doujinshi.