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The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 05-14-2018, 02:14 AM

I was one of the mods at Kinsaki and I remember this happening. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm the one that reported it to staff here with IP logs and stuff.

Off site trading isn't welcome anywhere on any avatar site. Your "friend" got what was coming. If I was only "talking shit" They probably wouldn't have disappeared like they did. - I also didn't realize they were the same people that made the monkey site. . . interesting.


I remember the idea of it and it's bases, but not the name. Which shows how memorable it was. I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you guys about that place ever being a good idea.

The people and community were nice enough, which is half the battle (most of them I knew from Kinsaki) But always being an ugly monkey? Nahh thank you.

I was contacted to do pixels for that site early on as well. I declined. A few months later I got a message from another member of their team. I declined again. This happened a third time. . . I lost it!

I figured, that perhaps they thought I was declining because of schedule conflicts and that's why they kept asking me. So I set them straight in a strongly worded letter why I would not be "working" for them.

I gave the person that last contacted me an "Overly Harsh and Immature Criticism" about the awkwardness of the bases, and told them I wasn't interested in ever pixeling for a place I've only heard of from their scouts trying to leach talent.

I also told them the idea of being a monkey on an island collecting banana's would be great for single event, but no where near good enough for a whole final site theme. - It would get old quick.

They got REALLY offended about the theme part and said something about how I was being rude and I should be honored to even be considered to pixel for them because I had only done it for 6 months at Kinsaki at that point. . .

Like um excuse me? No! First of all they came to me, multiple times in fact. I didn't seek out new "work" or submit myself to any interview process for more unpaid pixel work. They acted like they were entitled to my work for free/site currency because I did it happily for Kinsaki - a site I loved, early in my career.

They weren't entitled to my work (obviously) and they didn't like it when I told them as such. No artist wants to be paid in purely "site currency" let alone one called "bananas". Unless they're fresh out of school looking for portfolio padding.

If the artist is invested in that site and truly loves it they might do what they consider charity work and do a few site currency items. However, I wouldn't bank on them staying at it for more than a year. Especially if the owner has never contacted them personally to say thanks for the work. *cough* my current status here*cough*

In spite of my really bad experience with them early on. I wish them well "wherever" they are. But I wouldn't recommend working with or supporting them if they're still that entitled to free art properties.

"Random" comments on another thing that annoyed me when I got my computer back:

$10 in "coins" for a logo contest when you'll be using that logo for all your sites advertising and likely Merch is ridiculous.

Logo designers get paid some of the highest fees in the art world right now for good reason. $200 for basic and $400-$500 for complex. This is because of the nature of logos not directly displaying the artists name but the companies name.

Like...who designed the StarBucks logo? Do you know off hand? Likely not. However, you and everyone else knows that green and white siren. That's why logo artist's are so expensive. Brand *clap* recognition *clap* IS *clap* EVERYTHING!

Seems some places really want to take advantage of young artists/artists in general. It's a shame when they keep making the same mistakes on that front.

*looks up at the mighty wall she built* wut da...