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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-17-2016, 05:54 PM

When two of the girls talked about how they were in the explosion, Noah's hands flew over her mouth as Nyx's jaw dropped. "There were more people there?!" The white haired girl exclaimed as she looked towards the other. Noah shook her head slowly, quietly saying, "We had no idea that there would be more than who got out."

The short haired woman joined in at that point. Noah didn't like the woman's tone; her eyes fell towards the ground a bit, the ends of her hair hadn't changed too much from the purple, that seemed to be losing some of the red tint it had before.

Nyx nodded quickly at the sound of Melik being there. "We found him at the facility," she said. She then shook her head slowly, "I can't believe there were more people down there though." She was about to add something more when the green haired woman spoke up about someone tall, handsome and with an accent; one she knew matched her own.

"Ah, ah," she tsked waving a finger before her. "Mr. Tall and Handsome is mine sweety, you can have Melik though." She winked at the girl, but look in her eye dared the other to try and take her man from her.

When the fiery woman spoke up talking about tall and odd, Nyx tapped her chin with a finger. Nodding slowly she looked back at the three women before saying, "Oh, we definitely have tall and odd back at camp."

The woman went to continue speaking, but there seemed to be a tension that rose within the group and she quickly seemed to change what she was talking about. Noah looked between the three girls; Vi definitely seemed to be the leader, the other two being very alert and aware of her, almost scared.

Looking towards Nyx, she caught her reflection in the water orb that floated near the woman; the purple had darkened slightly from the pastel shade it had been, though it was just the tips, the blonde had grown used to keeping a close eye on her locks.

As Vi snorted a retort to her companion's question about if there were more, a soft smiled played the woman's lips as she looked towards the short haired woman. "It's not surprising that people would be surprised to hear there are more of our kind in any given area," Noah told the woman softly, but sternly. She then looked towards the fiery woman and said, "Yes, there are more of us. Those that have gotten away have been finding us over the last year. Though, sadly, there aren't as many as were brought in." She nodded towards the brand on the other's thigh and added, "Don't expect anywhere near that many people."

When the smaller woman mentioned about hearing of people high in the mountains, Nyx laughed. "High up in the mountains? Not so much, though that's a good one, hopefully people keep thinking that." When the red head spoke up, the white haired woman nodded. "Don't put too much stress into impressing Eleanor, you either earn her trust or not. She'll get everything going and make sure things are set up for you guys, don't you worry."

"We should get going though, Eleanor is going to start to worry," Noah said before turning around to head back through the woods. "This way," she called over her should. Nyx nodded her head to tell the others to go before her, leaving her to cover the back.

The wind suddenly picked up before a familiar and not too welcomed male stood near the brunette. Raising a brow, Eleanor cast the man a dark glance before saying, "You really do wish to tempt fate, don't you?" Taking in his 'I mean no harm' pose, she paid little attention to the male beyond that until he started speaking.

Her eyes fell to the male as she dipped her chin to cast a shadow over her gaze. "So the hunter is worried about three people that one of his own kind turned in and the fact that our numbers here will grow?" Eleanor shook her head slowly before adding, "Honestly, with you knowing where this place is, it's foolish for us to stay here. You pose to much of a risk."

As the man moved before her, whether he knew it or not, Eleanor was locking the warning away; if there was a possible threat coming to them, she had to be ready. The male's tone changed, his gaze appearing far more vulnerable than she could recall ever seeing it before telling her to be careful before vanishing again.

Three more, she thought to herself. The grim warning being the only thing that kept any for of excitement from forming in the pit of the woman's gut. It was exciting to find new people like them, it meant a higher chance of saving them, but not all of their kind were necessarily safe. Eleanor was more than aware of that fact and was more than ready to do all in her power to protect those that were with them from those that could do them harm.

Not too long after Fritz vanished, a familiar "Eeeelllaaanoooorrr," echoed through the mouth of the cave. With a sigh, the woman pushed off her shadow covered wall. As the man said, Noah and Nyx were coming up with three others, Nyx with the laundry tucked away in a floating orb of water; she would talk to her about that later.

"Eleanor, we ran into these three by the river," Noah said as she came to a stop before the shorter brunette.

"I'm aware," was all she said as she visible checked the women over from head to toe, each in turn. First was a woman, her hair looking like it was more on fire than anything; shapely and tall, her clothing revealing her legs. Next to her, almost hidden was a smaller, green haired woman whom almost seemed as timid as a wild deer. The last was a woman with short brown hair and a gaze as sharp as a razer.

"Brands and powers," she said as she adjusted her stance so her feet were about shoulder width apart, her arms crossed under her chest as her dull olive gaze bore into the three. When they seemed to not respond right away, her tone became more of a warning as she said, "Show me your brands and tell me your powers or you don't get in."

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