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Xeox is offline
Old 07-28-2017, 03:28 PM

Out of time!

As we continue on our journey, we can't help but stick out a little. It's hard not to when you're the only girl with a decent set of antennae.

What's Requested: In this contest I want you to create an avatar that looks like it's misplaced from another time. It can be either a Modern Menewshan in an ancient place or an Ancient Menewshan in a Modern place. Tell me about where and when they're from, and how they are dealing with the time variant.

Use this Form:

[B][SIZE="6"]My [COLOR="Cyan"]Out of time[/COLOR] Entry![/SIZE][/B]
[B]Username:[/B] (your username)
[B]Entry:[/B] (image of your outfit)
[B]Story:[/B] (about the situation)
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Humans girl or boy name
Entry: (image of your outfit)
Story: This one time at space camp I fell into a portal and my fresh fish ended up battered and crispy. My how fashion changes over time.

Our entries!

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Shadami
Story: This poor ancient samurai was just attending a fancy party and got whisked through time to this place with huge buildings in the distance and some strange metal contraption that moves around carrying people. She is not to thrilled about the ruin to the wonderful wilderness, and the lack of soft dirt paths.
My Out of time Entry!
Username: XoGIZMOoX
Story: The dinosaurs have crash landed in the middle of the busy city. Personally the dinosaurs love it. Look at all the yummy people.... I mean food yes yes food there is to eat. We would never eat people. I'm sure the city people will love us here just as much too. Look at the warm welcome Godzilla got in the city.
My Out of time Entry!
Username: bloodstainedwings
Story: a centurion stuck in a modern country side
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Bearzy
Story: The young Lady Bluebell was attending a ball when a portal opened up in a side room. Ever a confident and curious girl, she stepped through, but none of her novels could have prepared her for what she saw on the other side. She stepped out onto a glass floor and stared out the biggest window she had ever seen at the stars. She stared in silence, looking at everything around her, the world behind her almost entirely forgotten.
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Kiari
Story: Kiari was at the mall shopping when a bright light dragged her through time to an ancient japanese temple. She is a little confused to say the least.
[/COLOR]My Out of time Entry!
Username: GummyBearKisses
Story:One minute I am at the Celestial Celebration, next minute I am surrounded by giant green scaly monsters. I am scared. My nice desert sand is oozing a bright orange substance. I must have angered the gods.
Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Nephila
Story: This is the future? The tea service has become so dishonorable. The dress, sloppy. The streets, noisy. It can not be.
My Out of time Entry!
Username: SuperZombiePotatoe
Story: This poor viking has found themself on the red carpet for the newest season of the popular series (it's a bit obvious) Vikings! Odin knows how they landed up there, but they can't help but blush at all the attention. This all fell apart when an unfortunate reporter tried to be the first to snap their photograph and almost blinded the viking. Safe to say it didn't end well for the reporter. At least blood is red. And the public just assumed it was just a publicity stunt. Oh well, back to blushing!!
Originally Posted by star2000shadow View Post
My Out of time Entry!
Username: star2000shadow
Story: now that's one way to end up displaced, one m inute your wandering your castle in the desert sands, back in Egypt's hay day. and then your on a balcony over looking a planet sized ship that has an odd substance forming a berrier between the balcony, and your own personal death by space implosion.
Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
My Out of time Entry!
Username: dragoness129
Story: This Succubus was just minding her business: torture, fun, and all that, when all of a sudden, a blinding light hit her. She blinked in confusion and found herself standing in a strange world. What sort of sorcery is this? At least she hopes to make the best of the situation by finding fun prey.
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Velvet
Story: Sheriff V. has always been an oddball. For a long time she was laughed at for being a female sheriff, but finally after earning the respect of the men in her town, the sheriff was struck by lightening that hurtled her back in time. What is this strange place? There is so much gold and what are those weird drawings on the wall? Why is there a cat suddenly following her around acting all godlike? Is that a coffin? Why is it moving??!?
Originally Posted by Dystopia View Post
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Dystopia
Story: tbh this nerd has never been happier in their life.
Originally Posted by Linnea View Post
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Linnea

Story: This 18th century French fellow, has fallen right out of the Rococo period and right onto a night club dance floor earlier tonight! Why are the women so scantily clad? Where are all these colorful lights coming from? Is this place on fire? So much racket!
My Out of time Entry!
Username: Emma Corrin
Story: Welcome to the Mesozoic!! Our Steam Punk Gal Emma here is testing out her newly built Time Ship. In theory, her Time Ship can sail through time and take her wherever she wants to go. She just has to follow the Time Line on her map there and she'll land in Time whenever and wherever she chooses.

Well, so she thought. Her Time Ship doesn't quite seem to be in working order!

This 19th Century Steamer has just landed herself in the Mesozoic Era in an attempt to travel back to the 14th Century! I think she overshot her destination by a couple.... hundred million years or so.

See that Volcano in the background? See the Pterodactyl? Yup. You guessed it. She just plopped herself into the middle of a volcanic eruption and the dinosaurs are in total chaos. As you can tell from her obvious reaction, she is not happy with the sudden turn of events!! If she doesn't get this Time Ship fixed STAT, she may just end up a Steamer Pancake!!

Last edited by Nephila; 08-25-2017 at 06:11 AM..